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  1. Dear Boa I have just joined this forum today and it is so helpful, especially your dealings with 1st Credit. My husband and I ran into financial difficulties about a year and a half ago and we used Payplan to help us and they have been brilliant up to a point. One of my husbands debts is with Credit Financial and they sold it onto 1st Credit. Unforutnately for us it is a substantial debt (just under £20k for this one,although our overall debt if much bigger) and they have been the most aggressive DCA that we have had to deal with so far. They have used every threatening trick in the book to get us to pay up and in their last letter they were actually threatening us with bankruptcy proceedings, which is funny because at this point it looks like the best option for us! I just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one trying to be bullied by these people and having read your story so far it gives me great comfort. I am also having huge problems with the Halifax and having read the postings from others about the Halifax I can see that it is worth fighting back and not aloowing these people to take over our lives. For the first time in ages I now feel more in control and it is great to have found a community of people who are in the same position. Good luck to you and to everyone else in their fight against the bullies!!
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