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  1. aww thank you, so kind. I have to admit to being a bit sneaky though. I used to have my own band and we were very successful for 17 years just on the local scene, but I do know music and artists etc. hehe x
  2. I have also had problems with HSBC bank. I had a meeting with the bank manager of my local branch, explaining that I was having financial difficulties and requested that my overdraft was raised by a small amount of £50 which would have helped greatly. But the unfeeling monster in front of me point blankly refused. Instead, when there were not enough funds to cover direct debits for essential bills like rent and council tax, they slapped on huge horrendous charges making the account even more overdrawn. This continued until I opened a new account with another bank and made sure no money was going into HSBC. Why instead of helping people who are struggling could they not have honoured my request for such a small sum instead of putting me into debt I have no way of clearing at the moment. I am looking into reclaiming bank charges back from them. Anyone got any advice?
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