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  1. Hi all, I'm totally baffled by all this PPI stuff, although I reckon I have a case. Briefly here's my position. I took out a loan with Nat-West in 2007 for £25000 over 10 years and believe I was miss sold PPI which is costing me £80 per month. I also have 2 credit cards, 1 with MBNA which was as high as £14000 at one stage,its down to £500 now but I still pay about £5 PPI per month, and one with Mint which has fluctuated between £5000 and £8000 where the PPI is at a similar rate. As you can imagine my finances has been very erratic,so I would like to know how I stand re compensation. If so should I go through one of these reclaim organisations as I don't think I am capable of it myself?
  2. Thanks Barnsley boy your advice is greatly appreciated, I imagine my next letter will be similar to cuppcat's threatening house call, it seems that these guys will stop at nothing to try and intimidate/bully any people that they suspect might owe money. Its quite amazing that some complete stranger can falsely accuse me of owing a debt and then bombard me with phone calls and letters threatening all sorts of action, the world has indeed gone mad.
  3. Evening all, Just received a "statutory legal notice" from these (edited) my "Debt" is now £90 with another £150 shortly to be added. They have given me 7 days notice that they intend to take legal action and obtain a ccj against me,then my assets may be seized and I will be "blacklisted". Has anybody else here got to this stage??? If they're trying to scare me they are succeeding,will this go to court? This has been going on for months now and im really worried,it cannot be right especially as i know i owe them nothing,surely its harassment!! .
  4. Thanks Guys, Very much appreciated,I will continue my ignorance stance. Will keep you posted. Thanks again.
  5. Hi all, I also received correspondence from CRS re;unpaid parking fine to BPM. Ive chosen the ignorance route and managed to avoid their many phone calls and threatening voice messages,until yesterday when i was caught off guard. The lady wanted to know if i was ready to settle my debt,to which i replied No,as i had no recollection of any unpaid fine. She said it was from March 7th 2007 but had no further details and would call back. Today I received another letter threatening a home visit,and another message telling me to ring for full details of the offence. Thing is,i may well have incurred the fine,but im almost certain i would have paid straight away. However i have no proof,should i pay for peace of mind?
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