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Twisted Elbow

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Everything posted by Twisted Elbow

  1. Hi, I refuse to pay £4.50 and £7.50 charge too and have done so for last 3 bills. I just deduct these. I told BT i thought it was obscene to charge this and hold people over a barrel like this. I have been with BT for years and always paid in the post office either at the final reminder or within a month on agreement with them. They haven't got back to me on last 2 bills when I have deducted these'stealth' charges.I couldn't care less what they do now. I think peolpe should take a stand more and refuse to pay it. By the way, I saw something recent on Broadbandgenie that syas the Office of Fair Trading is looking into this and people who have been with BT since before they brought this in could be looking at getting their money back if they have paid these charges because they never went into a contract with BT with these charges in force.
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