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  1. I've just got another letter from NCO this morning. Its comlaining that I've "failed to remit my monthly payment in accordance with our agreement". It goes on to say "You are therefore advised that payment must be made within forty-eighty hours from the date of this notice for continuation of this agreement" (the letter is dated 22 January, I got it on 26 January, so thats it, I'll have to go and pay the £2338.39 i owe now ). The letter finishes "Should you fail to maintain the above agreement of £0.00, alternative methods may be used to recover the remaining balance". It also demanded that I contact them immediately to discuss. So I did, I phoned them up, and explained that I was a bit confused as its telling me I'm not keeping up with the agreed payment of £0.00, when as far as I am concerned I am maintaining a payment of £0.00. In response, he hung up. So I called back and told them that its totally unacceptable for them to hang up on me, and isn't really a good way of getting me to pay my debts. I explained to another person what was in the letter, and he didn't really give any response to that and told me he'd be sending the account back to the Student Loans to decide what they want to do as they want £140 per month (but the letter clearly states £0.00 ) I'm willing to pay more, and my debt management company have been negotiating with them, but they are the only company that are rejecting all offers of repayment (as far as I know they are actually receiving payments while negotiations are going on, so maybe thats their problem, I'm overpaying them). I'm just wondering now whether I can hold them to the £0.00 per month agreement as this is clearly stated in the letter. Maybe I'll send them a letter, with a photocopy of this one and a cheque for £0.00, stating that "I enclose a cheque for the agreed repayment of 0 pounds and 0 pence" and see what they say. Maybe they are stupid enough to accept it. Do you think I could hold them to this, as it is clearly stated in writing? I can't see how they can take me to court for not maintaining the agreed payment of £0.00. Oh well, that provided a bit of amusement for the morning
  2. StoneLaugter - unfortunately the debt management company are getting the majority of my disposable income at the moment, and with about 6 companies to write to its going to come to about £60. I'm going to be writing to them after christmas though, and hopefully will get a lot more than the £60 back.
  3. ODC - thanks for the link. It seems to me that the fact they are lying as an excuse to call (ie. saying that they've had no contact or letter of authority from the debt management company, when they've actually been rejecting offers of repayment through them) says to me that they know they are in the wrong. noomill060 - I've had loads of charges from Student Loans, and quite a few off the other companies I owe money to. The problem I've had claiming it back is the lack of funds to pay for the statements, and I also don't have a cheque book with my bank and so can't send them a cheque anyway. However, I'm nearing the end of a project that I'm doing in my spare time which will pay enough to pay towards the debts and also pay for all the statements, so I'll be claiming all the charges back shortly. Thanks for the advice.
  4. Thanks ODC. I'll probably leave it to them then. Just really annoying that they're always phoning me when I'm at work. Suppose I could just set my mobile to silent for calls from their number.
  5. I've just had another of their wonderful cards through the door from a P. Edwards, who apparently is going to be calling Tuesday (tomorrow). What a surprise that is. I'll await his visit then. I've just contacted the debt management company who are dealing with my debts about this matter as NCO are claiming they've had no contact from them. Funny how they've been rejecting the offers of repayment then isn't it? They're asking for 14 times more than they are being offered. I've been advised that the Student Loans company whom the debt is with are not in the habit of taking people to court, so I'll continue to ignore their phone calls. I have just written a letter to NCO threatening to take legal action should they contact me again, however, unfortnately the debt management company have advised me that they are legally entitled to call me up to 3 times per day, and are also legally entitled to have at least 1 telephone number for me. Is this correct? I thought it was more like 3 times per week or month. I might still send the letter however, as I'm also requesting they send me a log of all calls they've made to me. I'm considering maybe putting a line in there that if I don't receive this within 7 days Mr ?? will be calling at their address on Tuesday between 9am -9pm.
  6. I'm not the only one having problems with NCO then? They were calling me several times at home each day, but I work and my fiance kept answering the phone. Almost every time they hung up as soon as she answered (probably so that they can say they're trying but we're ignoring their calls). I phoned them up a few weeks ago and told them to take my number off their computers, which they did, and I didn't get a call after that. Well, until this morning that is, when I got a call on my mobile. I've not given them this mobile number, so wondered how they got it. But then I remembered that someone called my parents house asking for me last week (I've not lived their for 6ish years), and they gave them my mobile number. So I'll be expecting a call every morning and afternoon now. I'm actually dealing with a debt management company who are dealing with my finances, and have been for several months, but NCO seem to be the only company rejecting their offers of repayment. All the cards I've received threatening to call at the house have been sent to the debt management company, so they can see how much they are harrassing us. I did find previously with another company (First Credit I believe) that threatening to sue them for harrassment if they called again worked, they went from threatening me with court action on a daily basis (each time I told them to go ahead and take me to court, but they'd just phone again a few days later with the same threat) to accepting my much reduced offer of repayment. The only time I've heard from them since was to ask for the number of the debt management company, which I gave them and that was the end of the calls from them. So maybe I'll try it again, though from reading some of the messages on here I'm not sure it will work with NCO.
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