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Everything posted by courtneycrumrin

  1. It was the message left for me that prompted me to do a search on them when I found this place. What I need to do now is gather my paper work together. Once I am armed I'll be back here with more of the info I have to hand. Then I may indeed need some help (thank you for your offer) Its a comfort to not have to face these monsters on my own. I am really glad I found this place
  2. I will make a note of all the info you have relayed and make sure I am armed with this if they call again. Though I rarely answer the phone. If they should write then I will of course use the same info in writing. I always send everything to SLC recorded delivery and last time was able to confirm that they had indeed signed and received my payslips. The last time I was on the phone with them, I was forced to put the phone down as they were so abusive in regard that I had all the proof needed they'd received the right data to dismiss arrears ever occurring and I refused to pay the arrears and they said I had to, which I of course dispute. Especially given that the deferment by their own confirmation in writing, proves the fact in covering the time period they claim I must pay for. They act as if a law unto themselves.
  3. This is my first posting here and I found it whilst doing a search for Smith Lawson. I have had years of problems with SLC/SLco My wages decreased in Jan 2007 and I applied for deferment. I paid for Nov. & Dec. 2006, but applied to defer from Jan. 2007 onwards. It took me months to get an application form out of them and I'd even sent them proof of the wage change before that, by recorded delivery. I finally got an application form in March 2007 and had to get a written letter of proof of wages as SLC lost the payslips I'd sent them in Jan. 2007. I got my deferment, but they refused to remove the charges incurred during Jan, Feb. and March. Now I was granted deferment and it was backdated, yet they will not remove the arrears charges that my deferment period covers. They phoned again today. I am right in ignoring them? I did formally, in writing dispute the arrears on the details I have just relayed. That the arrears occurred due to their clerical error and loss of vital documents. In addition, to those that may not know you can have deferment back dated up to three months. One of the main reasons I am disputing the arrears as my deferment covers the months they are charging me for, so my argument to them is that no arrears can exist in that time period.
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