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Everything posted by really_nice_guy_1966

  1. I did not know that I owed any money at the time I moved out so I could not inform anyone. I do not acknowledge the debt & I still have not received a copy of the original CCA, & the DCA has refused to cash my cheque for £1. What can I do to force them to comply with my request?
  2. Does anybody know what the Civil Procedures Rules 1998 are concerning correspondence going to old addresses?
  3. I would assume so BUT Ascot lawyers have made up false letters that they have contacted me at my correct address that I have never received to help their defence. I am concerned that the judge will believe their lies & side with them.
  4. I have received a response from Ascot Lawyers relating to the the CCJ set aside court hearing scheduled for 10th June. Ascot Lawyers have fabricated letters stating that I have been kept informed of their intention to place a charging order on my property. They have further stated that correspondence sent to a very old address of mine relating to the original CCJ was validly served under the Civil Procedures Rules 1998. They have a submitted a whole dossier of past papers to the courts relating to this matter, which on face value look quite convincing. However I have never received any of this correspondence. The crux of the matter is that I moved out of the old property on which the CCJ was served in 1998 following a messy divorce. The CCJ was granted in 2001, 3 years after I left. I signed my house over to my ex-wife at the time of the divorce, but for some reason the land registry were not informed so I am still listed as the proprieter up to 2002 when it was sold. Ascot Lawyers are claiming this is evidence that I received the original CCJ. They have not cashed my £1 cheque and have yet to produce a copy of the CCA which is dated 1994 according to the papers. I am quite nervous now that the judge will side with them. I have not retained any of the papers relating to the divorce as it happened over 10 years ago and my ex-wife is now uncontactable. Any advice of what my next step should be will be gratefully received.
  5. No I did not receive any notice of an interim charging order. All papers were issued to an address I left over 10 years ago. From what I have researched CCJs are enforceable irrespective of the 6 year rule. I have requested a copy of my credit agreement today & have filled in form N244 for the courts requesting the original CCJ dated January 2001 be set aside on the following grounds: - 1) I left the old address 1n 1998 following commencement of divorce proceedings. I have filed a copy of the decree absolute dated 1999 as evidence I did not reside at old address any more. 2) I have never received any communication stating that I had a CCJ against my name. As far as I am aware I owed nobody any money when leaving that address. I have filed a copy of CCA request as evidence. I seriously doubt if the DCA will be able to provide one. 3) I have provided an up-to-date copy of my credit history/rating - totally clean scored 887/1000 from Experian with all payments up to date & no CCJs on my record. 4) Also provided a copy of my mortgage agreement letter dated October 2006 which was within 6 years of original CCJ again proving CCJ was never shown on my credit history & I had no knowledge of it. Can anybody think if there is there any reason why the original CCJ would not be set aside given this evidence?
  6. The final charging order has been made on 28 Feb 2008. I have received no notice from the land registry or my mortgage provider & my credit report is completely clean. THe CCJ that the order is based on was issued on 23 January 2001 to an old address of mine that I left in 1998! This has never shown up on any of my credit records. In fact I managed to obtain a 100% mortgage for £200K in October 2006 I have received no prior paperwork relating to this. The court informed me that correspondence was issued to same old address of mine that I left 10 years ago. I have no recollection of this debt. I have been advised by the court officer to have the original CCJ set aside & I am now preparing the necessary paperwork. I am also applying for the original CCA from TBI Financial. Any further assistance will be appreciated.
  7. It was made final on 28 February 2008. I have not received any correspondence relating to this
  8. I have received a Final charging order on my property totally out of the blue. Apparently I owe some firm called Tbi Financial services a sum of £1460 under a CCJ dated 23 January 2001. I have never heard of this firm, nor do I recollect ever receiving a CCJ. In fact when I got a mortgage in 2006 my credit record was completely clean. This is the first correspondence I have received about this matter. I have received no notice about any interim charging order & I have not been given any opportunity to represent myself in front of a court. So what do I do now? I've no idea what this debt relates to. I have never received a CCJ (as far as I am aware that is) & now I have a Final charging order against my property. Surely this is illegal. Any advice would be gratefully received. PS will this affect my credit rating?
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