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Everything posted by Smiling_Impala

  1. This morning's post has brought this letter from BCW: I was initially really pleased, but then my fella pointed out that it doesn't say that it's a zero balance, just that they (BCW) have closed the account. 3 haven't responded to my letter either. So I'm wondering what the impact of this letter is, and what they have done to my credit report, if anything :-| Does anyone else have any news?
  2. I have spoken to Watchdog a couple of times yes, and it's great that they're looking into it! I did a credit check last year (maybe September time) and there was nothing on there then, but perhaps something has gone on since If it has, I shall do livid hopping up and down type stuff. And creating merry hell
  3. Me too *Sighs* Thanks for posting the letter template. I shall be sending that now. Of course I've heard nothing from Three or Lowell
  4. In your contract does it state 3's commitments to you? If not, get in touch and ask them to get you a Service Level Agreement (SLA) and see if they're in breach and what the terms are. Then contact Ofcom This is just what I'd do
  5. You see it was so long ago, that I can't remember. But given that I queried the bill and no-one could ever tell me what it was for is that relevant now? If I billed a client I'd have to tell them what the bill was for!!! Great idea - I've written to watchdog too after reading your post. Hopefully if enough of us do, then they might look in to it!
  6. Hello - I've received a letter from 3 this morning telling me my 'debt' has been passed to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd. It's only a small amount, but I'm reluctant to pay it - if you read the -mail I sent them on 18 March 2007 you'll see why: I've got a very clean credit record, and so I don't want to damage that, but I'm appalled with 3 and want to take this up with them. Does anyone know where I stand legally and what I should do? Many thanks for reading
  7. Just a hopeful *bump* on this one to see if anyone's got any ideas
  8. Hello My fiance had 2 student loans, which as he was unable to pay he'd ignored for some years. Early this year, we were able to start paying these off. Their processes were very confused, but we cleared a 1992 loan completely. The 1994 loan was a bigger problem. They kept changing the amount of the balance. Eventually we had a letter dated 9 July giving us the balance "Total Due" as £1488.32. Then on 18 July (as I had disputed the start date of our monthly agreement) we received this further agreement letter stating the balance as "Total Overdue" £1423.28. Since then we have made 2 payments of £300, one at the end of August and one at the end of September, so assuming our starting balance was £1423.28 as per their letter, we should now have a balance of £823.28. Thus I was pretty shocked to receive this statement this morning, showing the balance at the end of August not as £1423.28, but £2033.65 - a difference of £610.37 :eek: I spoke to one of their advisors this morning, who basically apologised for the 'badly-worded' earlier letters, but said that the total on the statement is correct! Even the letter on 9 July was confusing as although it gives the balance as £1488.32, it then states we'll pay £300/month and 'we will contact you again after the 6 month period as you have stated that you may pay your account in full' - which is confusing. (Confusion characterises the whole process we've been through with SLC, sadly.) My contention is that this is pretty awful, and has been misleading for us in structuring our repayments, and our finances generally. We've made massive payments (well over £2k in total) over the last few months in an attempt to get straight after a long period of being unable to. We've spoken to them regularly (at least once a month) to keep them up to date with what we can pay. Surely they can't now turn around and change what I have previously had in writing to a bigger balance? The manager is due to call me today or Monday. In the meantime it'd be great to get some views on this, so I'm prepared when I talk to her. This just doesn't seem right to me. Thanks in advance for your help
  9. Oh no Even though there was nothing in writing? And there appears to be no record on the searches with all 3 companies?
  10. Whooooohooooooo! This sounds really encouraging! I mis-worded my post - we agreed to pay, but the bailiff disappeared before we paid him, so we haven't paid anything! And so this really can't come to anything you think? I have checked back and 29 Nov 2000 was the 'date of service' and 15 Jan 2001 was 'Judgement entered'. I am wondering why the Warrant of Execution was only issued in July 07 though, wasn't that statute barred? Sorry, I'm probably asking dim questions - apologies if I am.
  11. Thank you - that's really useful info - particularly the 'who searches what' article. I managed to get the Callcredit report today, and the address was slightly wrong, but they efinitely have the right person as I can see from the other details, but no CCJ. I am really foxed by this, but don't feel we can celebrate yet! The original judgement was in January 01, and my OH never responded to the court. We then had a Notice of Issue of Warrant of Execution in July 2007, and I spoke to the Bailiffs and went through some to-ing and fro-ing. We eventually agred to pay the bailiff even though we didn't believe my OH was responsible for the bulk of the debt (just over £2k) - then the bailiff just disappeared and we have heard nothing since. Can anyone shed any light on why this has seemed to disappear and if it will resurface? (Perhaps this should be a different thread in a different part of the forum?)
  12. Hello, Forgive me if this is a very basic question. We are trying to check back on my partner's credit reports, as he has a rather chequered financial past. We have copies of his credit reports from Experian and Equifax, and these look fine. They're not showing up a CCJ which I thought may have been a problem However, is there another company who searches are done through other than Equifax & Experian? I just want to check that we've viewed all available credit reports which lenders could potentially search. Thank you! Smiling Impala
  13. Given this then, it seems I would be wise to await the bank's response by 23rd May? Should I be trying to get hold of old Barclays Business T&Cs - and if so, what should I be looking for? Apologies for all the questions! :o
  14. Hi there - I hope I'm posting in the right place - if not apologies. I work with my fiance (he's a sole trader) and the business account is with barclays. We have started a claim with them, and the 14 day deadline to respond is tomorrow. They have responded with a letter saying they will respond by 23 May. I am now inclined to send the LBA, but reading here am a bit confused about whether or not to proceed, or just await their next letter (doubtless telling us we can't reclaim) before the 23 May. I'd appreciate your thoughts / experiences. Thank you
  15. Thanks Sequenci OH is self-employed so hopefully he'll be OK. We're also no looking to get credit soon, and hopefully he can build up a good record in the meantime. I think the statute of limitations hope that I had has been dashed, as I've just found out from the court that the 'Date of Service' was Nov 2000, the Judgement was entered in January 2001 and apparently there has been an Earnings Order (?) in the meantime too
  16. Massively helpful, thank you - you're an angel - these court forms are quite intimidating, so having an idea about how to deal with them is really useful. It seems that proceedings were issued years ago, so the debt isn't statute barred. I'm due to call back a solicitor later on today to see if he thinks it's worth just paying the damn thing, or if there's a way of fighting it after having the judgement set-aside. To go back to my original question on this thread, can anyone tell me how CCJs actually affect you?
  17. Thank you, that's really helpful - I'll get started on this
  18. Hiya - this thread was more about what effect CCJs have. What happens if he just pays it - will it have a major effect on his financial future? Will he still have to go to court? To answer your question, no, there's been nothing in writing in the last 6 years, and the first communication he received was this Notice of Warrant of Execution. But I understand that if the Claimant has pursued it through the courts, whether we've received paperwork or not, then the statute-barred thing doesn't apply (or so I gather)
  19. Here's a link to my old thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bailiffs/112184-bailiffs-called-old-debt.html OH suspects that the amount is that of all of the tenants debts (but not all were on the agreement) We don't know the date of the original CCJ, and not sure whether this is worth pursuing as a case? I'm struggling to get OH to actually act on this, and so far it has been me chasing everything and talking to the bailiffs, as he just can't deal with this sort of stuff. If he decides to just pay it, without contesting it (madness in my eyes, but what can I do?), then what will happen? What does the CCJ means for his (and our) future finances? Would he have to go to court anyway?
  20. Hi - thanks for the reply The original debt was for rent unpaid on a house in about 1998/9. We only have a copy of the 'Notice of Issue of Warrant of Execution' (rcvd. at the end of July) and the 'Warrant of Execution' (recieved end of August), as this was the first paperwork OH received
  21. My OH has received a Warrant of Execution on an old debt. He reckoned he owed about £500, but they're trying to claim around £2300. He's now saying that he might pay it as it would possibly cost less in time and hassle than fighting it, which I think is a real shame, but it's not my call at the end of the day. But I assume this will mean he's got the CCJ on his record, even though he will have paid the debt? Can anyone tell me what the effect of this will be on his credit rating (which is already quite poor)? Does it matter much, or is it an easy one to get over? I sound terribly naive, but I've no idea about this sort of thing. Thanks all
  22. That's fab news, thank you :D But does anyone have any ideas of how to move forward with this? I've bought some time with the Bailiffs, because OH is away for another week and a half, but would love to get an idea of how to move on.
  23. But is this the case if they only spoke on the phone, and there's no record of it? This info says it has to be in writing: Linky
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