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  1. I received two letters on the same day: A notice of Transfer of Proceedings from Northampton County Court stating the case has been transferred to Bournemouth - This letter also had the defense attached. The second letter was from Bournemouth County Court that included the AQ. It has requested I return it by the 16th of July. I am planning to complete and return the AQ plus the Draft Order of Directions (not the bundle). The bundle is sent later when the court requests it. If I have got this confused could someone please let me know? Thanks, MM
  2. I was planning on sending back just the completed AQ plus the 'Draft Order For Directions' with a copy being sent to the DG solicitors. Please correct me if I’m wrong:- I don't send the Court Bundle at this stage, I wait until instructed to by the court, then it gets sent to the court with a copy going to DG solicitors. Is there a covering letter template that I should use when I sending copies to DG? Sorry for being dumb - I'm new to this
  3. I am about to fill out my AQ which was sent to me this morning. I am going to attach a copy of the "Draft Order for Directions" as suggested on this site. Is there anything else I should attach i.e. a list of the charges? Do I then need to photocopy the AQ plus attachments and send them with a covering letter to DG Solicitors - this is not made clear in the letter from the court - is there a template covering letter on this site? Any help would be appreciated
  4. I'm about to send my completed QA + draft order for directions back to the court. Do I need to send a copy to the defendant as suggested at the top of this thread (page 2)?: "Then obviously send a copy of the AQ and attachments to the defendant as well as the court." Any advice would be appreciated
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