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Everything posted by manilowfan

  1. I have just received my statements back from capital one can anybody tell me what letter to send them next and where to find the template
  2. Thanks for your help, I will try and give it ago but all sounds very complicated. Where do I find the template S.A.R. letter?
  3. I had an account with natwest about 9 years ago which was passed onto to moorcroft which I paid in full about 4 years ago, would I be able to claim back these charges. Who do I write too for my old statements, moorcroft who I paid or Natwest.
  4. Hi I am new and dont quite know what I'm doing so please bear with me. About 8 years ago myself and my husband both got into financial difficulty, my husband had a NatWest bank account and credit card which he found difficult to meet payments on, Natwest basically forced him into getting a loan to pay off both his creidt card and over draught a loan which he basically was unable to meet the monthly payments. About 3 years ago we remortgaged and payed off all our debts however the charges that were added were astronomical. I was wondering if it is possible to claim some of these charges back could somebody please advise.
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