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Everything posted by ceige6542

  1. Please let me know how you get on. Just looked at my receipt and yes it is also leather world on the cc receipt.
  2. Hi All have stumbled across this and a little worried now. I recently (5 weeks ago) put a deposit of 500 down on a sofa and chair from the birmingham shop. Chair looked well built but now im worried it wont be when i receive mine. i paid by creditcard and was advised that when i come to pay off the balance i should use debit or incur charge. At the bottom of my receipt it says "This receipt forms a legal contract. Cancellations cannot be accepted and deposits cannot be refunded" Where do i stand. is it best to wait for the full 6-8week delivery time and hope for the best. I will def pay the remainder on cc now just for that extra level of protection but can i pull out now? Has anyone got any good sofas from this place?? mind you if you have you wouldnt be here! Chris:lol:
  3. Ok got my AQ now. But have couple of questions I have started two claims off, both with llyoyds and both for about 2500 each but different accounts. They have followed the same action all the way until i got my AQ today. I got the AQ for one claim and an order asking for details of account and charges and dates etc. but the other claim is only asking for details and does not have an AQ request. on each letter (General Form of Judgement or Order) the Judge is different. So does this sound right i only got the one AQ, and what about fees for this.
  4. Hi all fellow claimers I too have have recieved the Notice of transfer but have a worried feeling. Me and my friend are both with lloyds and we both started claims at same time. His ammount is for £800 and mine is two claims on different accounts, both for about £2500. We followed the procedure of martin with the letters as standard. both our claims have gone the same way and have been identical in wording until now. He recieved his notice and the defence mentions things about the charges been fair blah blah, but mine is stating that i have not provided enough details of the account and how the charges where worked out. I dont understand this as i have handled the details for mine and my friends claim and all our details where the same except the ammount and the account numbers. Any help???? Thanks
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