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Everything posted by furryhamster

  1. It doesnt matter what my status is. However i just do think that my points are very valid, but unfortunately due to some people, its impossible for you to see the bigger picture. I have no problem in telling you myself, that yes i have once or twice made a late payment, for no particular reason, i simply forgot, and well ts my fault isnt it? i signed saying yep ill pay the fee, so i did, i agree some banks, nt mentioning any names, but one bank charge £38 pounds which is ridiculous, but i agreed to it. Ans especially now with Credit Card Companies they have reduced default fes to £12 which if u in all seriousness look at it, is a fair fee. And someone i cant remember who, mentions profit. Yes all banks make a profit, any business has to, but what you also forget is that we have to borrow the money from the bank of england in the first place, at their interest rate, normally around 4-5%, so in order for us to be able to offer people 0%, and other promo rates, we do need to make a profit and maintain our buildings etc, and pay the money we borrowed back - and if fees are the way we have to do that, then so be it i say. Because at the moment banks are penalising good customers, by not being able to offer certain things, and customers who dont really care and default on their accounts are simply ruining it for others. Once again im sure many people will pick flaws in my point, which is fine, of course. Some people jst refuse to see the bigger picture.
  2. i dont intend to reveal my identity, for obvious reasons but what i can say is i know exactly how a claim works, what you have to do etc with ANY bank/cc company more than anybody else here giving advice, i can assure you, and in some cases i can see that people do deserve money back, and if anybody actually wants to know what to do with any bank all u gotta do is drop me an email or PM me, and i'll be more than happy to help - in genuine cases. My point earlier was there are some people that take the mick, and generally use and abuse credit facilities, then take great pride in claming all of the money back, when there are genuine customers out there who always pay on time, never go overlimit etc. And again there are genuine customers who have gone late due to bereavements, hospital, redundancy and things like that, and in these cases then yes i believe people should be heard and banks should do all they can. And its those people i'll help. Theres a certain way of claiming money back, quick, easy without any hate between customers and banks etc. And some of the advice given on this site is just ridiculous, and no wonder alot of you are having trouble claiming.
  3. They have sent you the charges because your letter probabaly said 'i would like a list of all default charges over the last 6 years' therefore you have only asked for the charges. So thats all your gonna get. And this can take upto 40 days, this is set by the FSA, and well due to the sheer volume of money grabbers, its gonna take upto the maximum of 40 days. As you may know the OFT said £12 would be a more reasonable charge, so the reason you've only been offered £920 is because you're being given back the difference between the £25 or whatever and the £12 OFT threshold. Which to be honest i think is fair! I just think, that if you are irresponsible enough to not pay on time, go over your limit, and generally take the mick, then you should face the consequences, and i know you've all heard this before, but at the time when you signed, you agreed to it. If you didnt want to you shouldnt sign! I also dont think people realise that when u do go late, overlimit etc etc, dedicated people have to deal with this, account managers to adjust stuff,and chase up people who take the mick, pay wages to people who deal with this, light the buildings etc etc. And do u know what else? This is a rite punch in the face for all GOOD customers - people who actually make an effort to pay on time, only spend what they can afford etc etc. And then we have people who take the mick gettin huge amounts of money back for taking the mick. Its wrong, thats all i can say!
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