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Everything posted by smokey06

  1. Thanks alot guys..uve been of great help ill tell u how it goes
  2. hi sorry but couldnt find the thread u mentioned..and i havent paid yet is there a chance i wont have to pay if i take this to the police...
  3. i didnt think there was a point since i dont have proof of postage...but am i right in the fact that you cant do anything with money sent through paypal unless you have a paypal account, and also to have a paypal account dont you need to put a credit card or address or something!
  4. gettin calls from NCO and im in debt for a 950 quid chargeback which i was conned for....guy buys phone then "accidentally" send me 900 quid he then calls me up practically crying and sayin it was a mistake and asking me to send him the difference and keep money for phone so i sent him the money to his email..month later paypal tell me that that account was hacked and it wasnt really the ebay user who bought it and that the 900 quid was sent to someone else...what i dont get is alrite i sent alot of money to a random email which i now no was a ****in stupid thing to do...but how can he recieve the money and spend it or withdraw it without having a paypal account and if he did have a paypal account then they must be able to track him down...please help!
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