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  1. i can assure u its not me telling porkies but after reading OCD reply sound to me that the police just cant be bothered to investigate it properly and just really want to wash there hands of the case as no psyical abuse actually happened only threats
  2. well ive just heard back from the police reference the nco caller who said he was coming around with a baseball bat the police have found no call placed to me that day and no recording of the call (nco europe claim they record all calls) but i have the call because i recorded it which the police have they say it would be like finding a needle in a haystack so i must thank the police for also being bloody useless good job im moving house see how long it takes them to find me this time
  3. oh yes got the crime reference number what i forgot to say in my first post was i recorded the call as i was sick to the back teeth with them phoning and being abusive to me id had enough fair enough i owe money to a mobile phone company £7.23 but hell if i didnt get the abuse off them id pay but being threatened by a jumped up little twerp over a phone they can whistle for there money now anyway im still waiting for the visit with bats LOL i too am waiting with baited breath for them to turn up cause im 6ft 6in tall 19 stone and am currently serving with 2 para parachute regiment and on leave for 3 weeks so this encounter if it ever happens will be oh so damn fun hehehe i will gladly keep you all updated as to the outcome of this
  4. sorry pal but your company calls me all day everyday and alway more than 8 times a day so thats constitutes harrassment to me when your company call me all they say is "is mr so and so there i say yes whos speaking they say confirm your details first and well tell you. sorry but untill i know who nco europe are and what debt they are chasing up im not giving any of my details over the phone. and monday just gone was the best call of all it went like this "after the usual introduction "well if you dont pay what u owe us well see u in court and before we see you in court we will visit you with baseball bats" bring it on you pathetic excuse for a call centre person and best of all when i reported this to the police and they contacted you they were told theres no management to speak to then they phone from a birmingham number and say there from preston EH hows that work ive since found out that my debt is for £7.23 what a joke this company is i wont be paying and i have the recording of your threatning phone call to me so i will see YOU in court not the other way round
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