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  1. The case is for compensation - but, read on...... If the court rules in Tom's favour and he is allowed to proceed with a compensation claim, based on the case being that the banks are profitting through illegal means, then it is as good as a direct declaration that bank charges as they stand are also illegal - and I would expect that the case would ultimately produce such a statement. Additionally - from what I've read, NatWest actually refunded Tom's charges and put them into his bank account without his permission.
  2. Hello all!! I'm just starting down the route of trying to get my charges refunded from NatWest - the final straw being 2 charges of £38 for 2 unpaid direct debits (despite the fact that the money was in my account for one of them - and the other one was taken earlier than it should've been!). Had enough now - time to fight back!
  3. True - I only heard about the case a couple of days ago - and have been looking forward to see what was happening today - a bit of a disappointment - but hopefully only a stay of execution for the banks!
  4. Hi all - I'm taking up the fight against NatWest, starting today, because they recently hit me with two charges of £38 for 2 bounced Direct Debits. Tom's case will either help or hinder thousands I believe!
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