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Everything posted by Holdred

  1. They didn't even bother giving me a pathetic response to my complaint, just ignored it completely. I know they got it, it was sent recorded and I have a print out of the sigature of their grunt who signed for it. That's what prompted me onto TS.
  2. I'm getting TS on the case now because lowells have passed their 12 days by over 10 weeks and are still demanding money from me.
  3. Thanks ben, knew I could count on you. I've just bought some presentation folders so I can keep all my copies of everything together in date order that I can leave with TS. My documents to FOS were delivered on Monday, what's a usual expectancy for them to make a decision whether they will persue my complaint or not?
  4. I've got a meeting organised with a TS officer who deals specifically with money matters and the practises of DCA's next week, so I'm going to be collating all of the information I need to present this to them in the most clear and consiece way I can. Does anyone have a link to the CCA 1974 with the section regarding the 12 days + 2, then the 30 days so I can print that out and include it? I've got the OFT guidelines so any section that is relevent is getting highlighted and going in the covering letter that I'll take with me. I'm going to go through the communications act 2003 with a fine tooth comb and pick anything and everything out that is going to support me. I'm hoping that if I can present this factually, pointing out the failings of Lowells, then they may be more reasonable to work with me on the legislation side of things than the debt. The key will be in the delivery. If I can look like I've well researched everything and can talk on a good level with them then I think I stand the best chance.
  5. Got the forms sent back to the FOS. I used a slightly modified version of the email I sent to TS to try and get them on the same thought pattern as me: Just have to wait and hear the replies. The FOS got the full dossier on Lowell, I really can't see much why they wouldn't investigate this now it's all pretty straight forward, and I'm hoping for the same from TS now i've pointed out their failings rather than being met with the attitude that I'm trying to avoid the debt all together!
  6. Despite whatever name banks put on them, day to day bank accounts whether basic or something more fancy are all current accounts. So yes, your basic account will be stayed because of it.
  7. Holdred

    Remus v Cap1

    That's good then. Yeah totally agree with the courts, they're not scary or daunting at all. Don't forget, you're paying to use the service, so they do give a good level of customer service
  8. Thanks Remus. They have my response so it's their call now. We're playing by my rules, not theirs 8-)
  9. My forms from the FOS came today so I've completed them and they're going straight back tomorrow with photocopies of everything. I'm arranging a meeting with TS during the week and I'm going to write a letter of complaint to the OFT over the weekend too. I'm hitting them hard. I'm also contemplating contacting my MP about the issue also.
  10. I spoke to them yesterday and they're sending me out the documents I need to complete and return to them to look into it as well
  11. I went down to my local court to talk over a few things and the letter was fine to reject the offer. So far, C-One have still yet to file a correct acknowledgement and there wasn't anything in the file to say C-One have settled in full in their opinion. The clerk was quite helpful and we talked about my reasons for not wanting to jump for judgement by default straight away and they said if I leave it another week then I can prove that I have been more than reasonable should they still not have done everything correct and minimise their chance of making a sucessfull application to set aside any judgement.
  12. I've just taken some time to compose an email to the officer to focus on exactly what aspects I want TS to investigate, here's the email with the essentials xxxx'd out: I thought that was as clear and concise as I could make it to drive the points that I feel TS should be looking into. Thoughts?
  13. The point I tried to make, which perhaps wasn't easy to make over the phone was trying to focus on the DCA's legal right to collect said debt, rather than the debt existing. The person I spoke to advised me to ring another person who was the money specialist, but is quite busy. I'll try and get down the office and lay out exactly what the DCA have done wrong and back this up with the CCA 1974 rather than focusing on the debt. I kinda got the impression that because they didn't really know what I was trying to explain they had made their minds up straight away.
  14. I'm at the point with my own CCA struggle where I'm trying TS to put a bit of pressure on the DCA. I just had a call back and I was trying to explain the situation but the woman I spoke to has said I should speak to the money advice people, who I'm not sure are part of TS. How should I be phrasing this to TS to make the fact more on the failings of the DCA, rather than making it appear like I'm trying to avoid the debt which I'm not!
  15. FOS are sending me details out so they can look into it as well.
  16. Well keep a log of all their calls, it's one more bullet to be used in the gun against them
  17. Why don't you send them a telephone harassment letter to get them off your phone line?
  18. DLC I found to be the absolute dregs of society without a shadow of a doubt, they even refused to take money off me. That's a first.
  19. There'd be approximately £600 worth of charges compared to a balance of £150ish, so the balance of power sits with me on that. Is there a template letter for this?
  20. What isn't, their scant regard for regulation and law?
  21. Thanks, I'll give that a read after tea. They sure do know how to shoot themselves in the foot don't they?
  22. I was feeling in a cheeky sort of mood, so I gave Lowells a call. I asked them why they were in breach of the communication act 2003 for sending me text messages when I have requested all communication be in writing? I had a scan through the act earlier on and text messages are considered valid under the act. I'll be making a complaint to my mobile phone company about that. The conversation flowed like so; "Are you disputing the debt, that it doesn't exist or you never spent it?" "No, I am disputing your legal right to collect" "Surely that means you don't think you spent the money? "No, I am disputing your legal right to collect" "What gives you the right too?" "The CCA 1974" "I don't know what that means" That's when I was put on hold for god knows how long before being promised a call back. I took that as the cue to ring Consumer Direct. The guy took details of what has happened and he's forwarding it to TS Leeds and my home town one and if they need to contact me they will. He also recommended contacting the FOS, but I haven't had Lowell's final response yet, but I'm sure a call in the morning to clarify won't hurt. For good measure, now things are going I'm going to make a complaint to the OFT for breaking their guidelines on collection. I have two letters from them now, one good cop, todays bad cop. Isn't it against the guidelines to pass to another company, like say Hamiltons? I think so. The ante has been upped now.
  23. Ok guys, need a bit of advice. Capital One have written back saying they dispute the charges are unlawful but have arranged for a refund of the amount I am claiming. They say they will offset any existing debt (none) and a cheque issued to me within 21 days. No mention of the default. They say the refunds are being made as a gesture of goodwill and they will now defend the claim on the fact they have refunded the full amount. They have written to the court to tell them they have paid in full. What should my course of action be?
  24. How convenient. Threat-o-gram saying I have to pay up, may face legal action and I will be introduced to Hamptons iLegal if I don't. Right on time for TS
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