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Everything posted by lai1

  1. well they rang me up again, and I just said 'you got the wrong number' and no calls ever since! bastards!
  2. I asked them 'can you please give me more details about who the person you are trying to find?' and they just said sorry we cant give you any more information as you are not the 'account holder'. Agh bastards. I'll sleep on it and if they call tomorrow again I'll request information in writing and see what they say.
  3. They rang again, and I asked them EXACTLY what the debt is for - and they said paypal-related ebay charges - a chargeback from a buyer to an account with your telephone number attached to it.. but not my address. Wtf?!
  4. They don't know mine or my parents address though and I dont want them to have it - If i send the letter they will know my address . They just rang me AGAIN on my mobile - this time I told them they definately have the wrong person on both phone number and they said 'ok, sorry, have a nice day', but I bet they will ring again.
  5. Grr they called my parents again today! Do you think they will eventually stop?
  6. Thats a fair point. I did..um..'lie' about my age by a few months.. I really wanted something on eBay! I don't think that had anything to do with this situation (I hope) though, as I payed it off way before any DCA could get their hands on it. It was only a few pounds anyway.
  7. Thanks surprise! Good luck with your problem too. I'll just wait and see what happens. Hopefully they get bored.
  8. Very good idea, I will do that if they call again. Do they have a period of time they call and then stop afterwards (i.e. give up?), as I could wait it out.. hmm. Oh one problem though, I don't want them to have my details from the letter, incase they start harrassing me at my or my parents door, and start finding more details they shouldn't have!
  9. I just joined this site, been reading for about 10 minutes and I'm getting impatient with NCO Europe whatever. The calls started about 2 weeks ago, first with calls to my parents house asking for my first name but a different surname, however as I'm rarely there I can't take the phonecall. Now just today at lunchtime I got the first call to my mobile (while driving!! dont worry i'm law abiding and i have handsfree) from the same number asking for the same guy and asked me to confirm my address. I said I think you have the wrong guy, and they then said "Are you (this person's name)?" and I said no. They then said "Is (the persons address) your address?" I again said no. And they said 'no problem' and put the phone down. Once I got back home, without finding this forum first, I gave the same number a call and said 'you keep calling me, who are you'. They then put me on hold for about a minute and said that they are a debt collection agency for eBay (the guy had an excellent welsh accent so 'eBay' sounded amazing - no offence intended to the welsh!). I have had an eBay account that did have overdue charges about a year ago, but I paid them with no hassle and then got bored of eBay and closed my account. So naturally I said to NCO that I don't have an eBay account. They then asked me for just my post code, I gave it to them (the post code of my parents house where they keep ringing) and they checked it and found nothing. The guy on the phone then said to tell the next person that rings you that they have the wrong number (can't they just do it ffs?!). He then put down the phone - so I found this site 10 mins later and decided to share my story. Is there anything I can do? Or am I just to put up with possibly more phonecalls? I'm not too bothered because I can barr the number on my mobile, but my parents don't really like it, and because I'm 18 and a med student at uni my parents are going mad thinking I'm getting myself in debt! (as if I don't have enough student loan as it is!). I did have a paypal account, but I also closed that with the eBay account last year, so I'm very sure I don't owe anything... Cheers, lai1
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