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  1. hey people i'm just sat waiting, very frustrated, my court hearing is set to take place on 31/7/7, i am just sat waiting to see if they will pay up. my account is closed and has been for a little while now. it is reassuring hearing other people tell you there stories and what stage they are at. as far as i know A&L have never actually gone to court, but i got my court date about a month ago now and have had no response back or offer of payment. just gonna keep holding on now... x
  2. i started my claim a few months ago now. I received a letter from my local county court a few days ago saying the hearing has been listed for 31/07/07 at 2pm. They previously sent me a cheque for £250, my claim is for £1000 so i declined it and have not heard anything until now. I am just hoping they pay out in the end as I don't want to have to go to court and lose and then pay out their court costs. I'm not panicking yet but I am a bit concerned as most threads I ahve read people have had their money back by now.
  3. I have started my court claim for £995. I had mt Notice of Trasfer of Proceedings from northampton County Court through yesterday. The part about filling out the allocation questionnaire and returning it was crossed out. On the 2nd page it said "IT IS ORDERRED THAT: the filing of an allocation questionnaire be dispensed with in this case unless the Ditrict judge at the court of transfer orders otherwise." I called my local court this morning just to check what I needed to do now, she told me that they are not doing allocation questionnaires for these type of cases and that they are waiting to receive the paperwork from northampton court before they can take any further action. So all I need to do is sit tight for now and wait for the next letter to come from my local court with a hearing date, or a letter from A&L with full pmt. I have already received the letter from A&L with a chq for a 1/4 of the amount of my claim and asking me to accept that without admittance of liability on their behalf. i returned it saying that was unsatisfactory and owuld only accept the full amount of the claim in order to close the matter and cancel the court case.I have heard nothing yet and will just have to wait and see what happens next. Good Luck all x
  4. i am chasing A&L for £1000, they replied to my 1st letter saying the charges were all valid and in line with their terms and conditions. i wrote a 2nd letter saying i was dissatisfied with their response and they have ignored that letter and i sent it almost 3 weeks ago. I am now about to start my claim with the county court to recover the money as they do not appear to be willing to offer any repayment at all. i have heard that A&L tend to pay out as soon as they get the court letter advising litigation action is going to take place. once i have heard i will post my results.
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