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Everything posted by scareywood

  1. Hi you need to ring the court to clarify, the N244 form is used to have a judgement set aside by a defendant. it maybe the N224 check. Good luck
  2. Hi Providing your son had no evidence of mental illness when he took out ppi and depending on clauses they should pay out. Also reclaiming charges good way to go although it will make the bank mad (good) both my siblings are bipolar and when manic get them into finanacial mess, my sister owed over £6000 to different banks etc negociated full and final payment to all £2900. My brothers last bout of illness the bank gave him a loan even though he was obviously ill after many letters bank finally wrote it off. never pay full amount,remember banks are in business to lend, it may seem personal but business is business and do not be intimidated by banks. I wish you and your son well good luck
  3. what if most of the stuff in a property is not owned by you? can they even take your bed?
  4. RPS were the agents working for Pinnacle, having gone through some of the paperwork today I am so stressed, what they did was so unethical I received a letter from my car insurer saying that they could no longer insure me because of statements made by RBS (Royal bank of Scotland) who I contacted and did a SAR. RBS was most helpful and they had not written anything about me, it turned out that from different sources I was told that it was likely RPS trying to give me aggravation. I was going to fight but why bother its a ccj, I have lost everything. I will not make myself ill because of them their not worth it. I will write to Pinnacle,RPS and the court it will be on record. Thank you
  5. Hi thanks Sue Pinnacle have now taken me to court and have entered judgment but I am filling in form n244 due to me not having full information from court, I did write to the court advising of illness and that I allowed Pinnacle to do this to me by having signed a statement through threats and under duress,they did not reply. The money they paid out is what they want back so double bubble for them. I have been advised to go bankrupt but they will have to do it. I own nothing now I have lost everything. The advert used to say have the strength of the insurances companies around you. I always have and in 40 years have hardly claimed. I blame myself for signing but had I not been ill and on medication that stopped me from thinking straight the agent would not have been able to intimidate me. I did at one time think of suicide but that is long past. They have slandered me so much, sticks and stones. I have been dealing all last year with a member of my family that has ongoing illness and was married to a vicar all it as taught me that you cannot trust any large organisation including the church of england but hey thats another story. thank you for your interest and I would appreciate any information you have. Thanks Sandra
  6. Hi to everyone, not sure if there is any help for me but sure I cannot be only person in this situ. For many years had loans/credit cards (lots) paid ppi for many years thousands. earned a lot and spent a lot. I then became ill they did pay although I could have done with a secretary for administration. Felt guilty about busy Drs having to fill in forms etc after approx 6 months I received a call from an agent working for Pinnacle Ins they wanted to visit to see if they could help to get me back to work, along he came asking me to sign a statement saying I was not working for 16hrs per week prior to my claim I refused this wasn't true, he said I had defrauded company etc, I remained polite at all times he was extreme to say the least, after four and a half hours I finally gave in and signed under duress( I know big mistake) but I was ill and on lots of medication. I at the time couldn't fight I can now. do you have any tips or is it impossible to fight large organisations who will stop at nothing.
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