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  1. Mine is from 1993! Paid it in full around 97 but they wont have it. Have had a debt collection company chasing me for about a year. Keep telling them to go away but they keep calling. They say that the responsibilty is on me to prove I paid it. 15 years later! Last time they called I told them I would be seeking an injuction from the court for harrassment, if they didnt leave me alone. Seems to have done the trick. However the DWP are saying that they will get it back from my pension when I am 65. Any suggestions, anybody? All help greatly appreciated.
  2. Selling fake autographs is fraudulant and can carry a custodial sentence. If you suspect any autograph dealer of selling fakes, then contact initially the Office of Fair Trading, who will then investigate and consider whether criminal proceedings are necessary. For reference you can visit www.aftal.org or www.uacc.org. If any member on here is found to be selling fakes then all hell will break loose. I am really sorry to hear from those of you who have had your "fingers burnt". It is disgusting what some of these autograph dealers will do. I run a small autograph business and we guarantee all of our items for life. We will only sell products that have come from verified dealers or through private signings that we commission ourselves. It is a complete minefield of an industry. Ironically, it is the sites that look the most bone fide, that are usually the worst to deal with. If anyone would like any other help with their plight, then please log on to EDIT, where you will find all of my contact details. I will be only too glad to help as it is my mission in life to rid this industry of phoney products. Yours Lincoln Hillan
  3. Hi All Firstly, good luck to all of you. These legalised thieves need people like you all to bring them down a peg or two!!! Egg entered a default against me last year. The first I knew of this, was receiving a letter from a debt management company mailshotting me regarding my "recent default notice". I then started to get calls from a debt collection agency demanding the money. I agreed to pay the amount over 3 months. The original debt was about £7500 and I agreed to pay about £5500. After investigating this, I can quite categorically say that I have never received any correspondence from Egg regarding this matter. FOR GOD'S SAKE, THE ACCOUNT WAS ONLY A FEW PAYMENTS IN ARREARS TO THE TUNE OF ABOUT £300. No way would I have allowed this to happen for such a small sum. I called Egg to discuss this but they are not for budging. As far as they are concerned the computer says that the letter has been sent and that this is sufficient evidence even in the eyes of the court. (I sense there is a Little Britain joke in there somewhere). However, I own a Direct Mail firm sending out millions of items every year on behalf of my customers and I know full well that lots of mail goes missing. Surely there should be a law that defaults and the like should be sent by recorded post?? Anyway, enough of my ramblings. The question I have is what to do next. I have read so many threads and I am a little dizzy trying to take it all in. There seems to be so many different ways all of the different lenders deal with these things. Thanks in advance for your input.
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