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Posts posted by Phonesurgeon

  1. Ok long time member not posted in the last few years due to ill healt...


    On 6th july (my bday of all days) i ve received the paperwork from the northampton bulk centre... relating to a debt with vodafone.


    The amount that capquest chased me for was £380... but on the court papers the original amount claimed is 299.99(?).


    And the bulk centre in northampton confirmed the claim number.


    I can't remember exactly the dates... but i think this could be either SB or close by...


    Anyway is there anyone that can help file a defence?

  2. Ok guys i need some help...


    Problem: Car insurance Broker: Swinton


    Story so far: had car insurance ending 29/10/2011, and a week prior i went to my local swinton office to ask about a renewal quote.

    I also stated that found a lot cheaper quote(280 quid) and if they could beat it, i would renew, otherwise we were parting company!

    I did decide to pert company in May 2011 after a mighty cock up from them.


    So no renewal quote, my insurance contract ended, and I took my business elsewhere. and cancelled the DD.


    12th November we received the cover note, the schedule of payment(868 quid renewal), the CCA agreement etc... and a thank you letter for renewing the insurance! Never returned any document as by this point i was already insured by a different company!


    Roll forward to today... Swinton have just charged over 200 quid to my wife debit card... and she never gave Swinton any authority!


    What do i do now? my first thought is call bank fraud team... and go talk to manager at my local branch...

    Anyone could give me the lowdown on the various legality?


    Any help much appreciated.

  3. Cerberus thanks for the reply.


    1. barclaycard sold the debt in 2008 to lowell, by this date they should have been aware as i ve CCA'd 3 dca that tried to collect... if it makes any difference.


    I have all the statements from barclaycard as i ve received the SAR reply just before they sold the debt to lowells.


    Can i reclaim charges from lowells?

  4. Long story short... Barclaycard debt... claimed some charges... outstanding balance never cleared. February 2007 3 DCA appear on scene: Call Serve LTD who instructs Debt Managers to harrass me into payment, and Credit Security LTD who again harrass me into paying.


    CCA'd the lot... Debt Managers run away, and nothing at all received from the other 2, and they still tried to collect... reported to trading standards and investigated by them... result unknown.


    In March 2008 Barclaycard sells the debt to Lowell Portfolio I and they start the merry-go-round... I have in no uncertain terms that the debt is in serious dispute... their reply: thank you for letting us know we will investigate the matter, that letter was almost a year ago... 24/7/0 8.


    Today i ve received a statement of accounts.


    Question time:

    1. Should have barclaycard sold the debt especially knowing that i ve requested copy of the agreement.


    2. What am i gonna do with lowells?


    3. it is my opinion that lowells owns the debt... can i claim the charges that barclaycard applied to the account?


    All help appreciated.

  5. In a nuthell tell him to get lost.


    This peoples are only trying it on to scare you into payment, been there myself, with studio.

    Remain calm and ask him/her politely to leave without any details.


    If they don't take the hint, you could also involve the police.



    (Memo for myself: need to type faster...ha ha)

  6. Hi guys and girls advice needed.


    Long story short: September 2008 got contract phone with vodafone(18 months), february 2009 got made redundant.

    Couldn't afford to pay, tried as much as possible.

    Vodafone rescinded my contract early and added the 12+ months of line rental due. total debt $448.32


    Debt passes to Capquest that write to me in no uncertain terms... you must pay it back and all the rest... debt is now 515.46.


    I send a letter back saying that i am unemployed and on JSA and offering a token payment of £5 per month. No reply to that letter.


    Today HL Legal writes to me, saying they want the full blance by 17th july or court actions, adding £55 for court cost and £70 solicitor cost.


    Can you please advice on what to do next? thanks.

  7. My 2 pence worths


    When cohen sent the letter purporting a CCJ been granted...

    you should pay ££££££ starting xx date...


    Is just me or there could be a case of Trying To Obtain Money By Deception?

    Of course i may be wrong, and if so, please accept my apology.

    Its just a thought

  8. Hi all, i am in need of clarifications, regarding running account credit agreement.


    Parties me, (PS), finace company (A) and services company (B).


    so the story: PS contact B for provision of services... B says yes, no problem, but it will cost ££££££. PS accept the offer.

    The payments are taken by A, and when PS misses 1 payment, A sends a default notice under s.87(1) CCA 1974. So PS write to A (19/06 recorded delivery) with proposal of remedy to default and dispute default notice.

    Today PS receives a letter from B (in A's envelope )saying B have arranged a Running Account (credit agreement ref: xyzt)for me to pay A for the services provided by B.



    Confusing? yeah i bet i is.... now PS have not signed such Running Account Credit agreement, nor was aware of one of this needed.

    as far as PS concerned, A was collecting PS payments on B behalf.


    So Clarification time:

    Should PS have a signed credit agreement for a running account?

    If not is A allowed to issue a default notice without a contract?

  9. hi guys and girls i am after some advice.


    I Have BT as line rental and phone package, and after reading about late payment fees and non direct debit fees, i was thinking to make a claim for it.

    I have not SAR'rd BT as i already have info, and after reading the Martin 3030 vs Virgin media i am about to start. No letter have been sent yet.


    Is there any reason against it? please be gentle with me.

    Thank you for your help.

  10. Having problem with supanet and their £39.99 cancellation charge for ending the BB contract after minimum period. this is their T&C where it state:


    14.1.1 Cancellation of your account within 24 months of your

    account activation date or most recent upgrade will incur a

    cancellation charge of £39.99. If cancellation occurs before the

    expiry of the Minimum Period you will also be liable to pay the

    Charges that would otherwise accrue during the remainder of

    the Minimum Period.



    I have originally signed up for an 18 months (online)contract and i am sure this clause has been changed since, but cannot be sure as i ve misplaced the T&C i ve printed at the time.

    Question: can this charge be argued as a penalty? Punitive in nature as it only applies for termination after minimum period(18 months), if I terminate my contranct after 24 months this does not apply.

    Any help appreciated.


  11. On 23rd we all gonna know the decision of the House of Lords(Law Lords) regarding the permission for the bank to appeal the high court judgement.

    What i wannaknow is... when in blooming season this stay will be lifted?


    DG solicitor aren't shifting and it is looking very much like they will "actually defend" the claim.

  12. Another update


    It has now been more than 2 years and my claim against FD is still pending.

    2 yeras+ at £1.26 per day(8% stat interest)surely interest alone is mouning up at the same amount of claim....


    Oh well go figure this lot!

  13. DX my insurance is still valid, the letter was dated 16th June and i need to remedy by the 30th June (which will be done tomorrow 19th).

    After that date they will write to A-Quote to cancel insurance.


    Now this seems a bit extreme to me... miss a payment and they instantly fire a Default Notice with £20 charge attached to it?


    Can they actually attach a charge to the default notice?

  14. Hello guys and girls... I am after some guidance.


    I have motorbike insurance through A-Quote but there is a third party called Premium Credit Ltd that is taking my monthly DD payment.

    My June payment have been returned (twice) unpaid by my bank because of insufficient funds(i know, i should have known better!).


    Now Premium Credit Ltd sends me as letter stating that they were unable to collect and a DEFAULT charge of £20.00 been added to my account, and this particular letter is to be treated as a default notice served under s87(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.


    And it goes on to explain the remedy and consequences...etc etc.


    My question: can they issue a default notice, after one single payment went unpaid? thanks in advance.

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