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Everything posted by squeakywheel

  1. Yes indeed, since December 2006 HSBC changed their terms & conditions so that when you go over your overdraft limit you are making an unoffial request for an O/D which they state "may" incur a charge. When they charged me £118 for the pleasure of going over my limit in December I phoned to ask what this "arrangement fee" (as stated on monthly statement) was for & how it was calculated. I was told that it totalled the amount I had gone over my OD limit by. Same thing happened again last month & I got £50 in "arrangement fees" slapped on. On both occasions the figures don't add up - in fact if what i was told is corect they should have charged me MORE!! Should I be grateful for small mercies??? It seems they are plucking arbitrary figures out of the air - there is no formula to it & therefore no way I can calculate what my charges are going to be. I've only just started looking into this whole thing so haven't done the reading yet. So far I've only had £168 taken (did I say only!!) which is small fry in comparison to some but I'd still like my money back. Not sure if the same litigation applies so should I be questioning this from a different angle? Also, use of the word "may" in terms & conditions implies a "may not" no? If they are definitely going to charge every time, how can these terms be upheld?
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