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Everything posted by don'tgetmadgeteven

  1. Hi again, a couple more questions if that's ok! Am just about to send my claim off and am a bit worried that once they receive it they might ask me to pay my O/D back and as this is quite substantial and I'm not in a position to do it right now should I hold off? Just don't want to be in an even bigger pickle. Can they do this, is it likely? Also, have calculated charges plus interest for each charge based on the date of it etc. Is thisall I claim or do I add on more interest as well. Not sure and sorry for so many questions. Thanks Jasmine
  2. Hi, I have just worked out all the charges on my account for the last 6 years and have a question - when working out the interest do you just work out the individual interest on each charge with the date etc and nothing else or is there more interest you can add on. So far my charges are £702 for the last 6 years and the interest is £127.12. Is that the total claim or am I missing extra interest. Not sure as been reading people's threads and seems like they are claiming extra interest on top? Thanks
  3. Hi Patsy, I felt I had to get in touch and hope you don't mind me butting in on your thread! I'm also new to this and am just about to send my letter back claiming charges and interest. As such I am not really in a position to give you advice, more encouragement if you like! Don't let yourself be intimidated by this process. I too am finding it a little daunting and am by no means a whizz on the computer but I'm taking my time and reading as much as I can and following all the advice in the site. Try to believe in yourself and see this as your right to claim back money that has been wrongfully taken from you and see this as your first step to taking your power back if you like. Make sure you read and then reread everything and remember to be confident and know that you have as good a chance as the rest of us to recover these charges. If you panic and don't believe in yourself you may miss things. Go for it girl!!!
  4. Sorry, another question! Where should I send this letter to? I sent my last one to my branch. Should I do that with this one or to the Birmingham address? Thanks again:)
  5. Great thanks. I'm just doing the letter now to send off asking for my money back! How much are the court fees that you have to pay if you need to register the claim at court and do you get them back? Cheers again
  6. Hi Barty, am thrilled to say I got copies of all my account charges today and just as I was about to ring that number you gave me. I've calculated all of the charges but wanted to query a couple of things with you if you don't mind. There are some 'o/d usage fees' of £20 and 'unauth borr fees' as well as the standard fees. I can claim for these too can't I? I'm off to look at the next step in this process. Grateful thanks to you!
  7. Thanks for that, I'll give it a try and if no luck I'll resend to the customer care address in Birmingham, should I do it special delivery or recorded. Much appreciated:)
  8. Hi there, I am new to all of this and have sent off for my account charges from Lloyds but not heard anything and it's more than 40 days, but have realised that like a pillock I didn't send my letter recorded or special delivery so can't prove they got it. I suppose I will have to send it again and wait another 40 days. This looks to be a long process but, like a dog with a bone, I'm not giving up. I know it won't be easy but reading all your stories has given hope and we can't let these 'bankers' get the better of us. Any words of encouragement or advice gratefully accepted.
  9. Hi, I am new to the site and have just sent off to the bank (Lloyds TSB)for copies of all my charges and have heard nothing back. I sent the letter off on the 4th January and 40 days have gone now, but I am not sure if it's 40 working days that they have to reply in in which case I'll have to wait untill the 2nd march. Could someone please let me know as I'm finding this quite daunting! Also, I heard from a friend yesterday that Lloyds are particularly bad at paying charges back which makes me even more worried. Any advice gratefully accepted.
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