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  1. Thanks everyone for your advice, much appreciated
  2. I pay most things by standing order, don't really like paying by DD! Thanks for your advice.
  3. I pay by standing order, and i have gone down the road of the CCA which they provided.
  4. Hi everyone, I have been paying Wescot £5 per month to pay of a debt I owe. I am now receiving letters of them threatening me with a doorstep colector. I contacted them and asked why they were sending letters even though I am paying, and they said they will not accept £5 a month of me anymore and want me to send in my I & E details. Now I don't really want to do this as I don't want them knowing my details, and as far as I am concerned I am paying my debt off so I am making an effort to pay them, it's not as if I am trying to avoid paying. Is there some sort of letter I can send them saying that I don't want to give them my I & E details. Thanks
  5. I sent a CCA request to Moorcroft on 3rd September. Today I received it, it is a photocopy of a CCA which someone has written my name and address on - not my writing. There is no signature or date on the form where my signature should be. Now I know they are over the time limit in sending this to me. What is the next step for me and is there a letter that I should send them. Thanks in advance
  6. Thanks Fingers, I have deleted that bit of the set just in case, I never even noticed!! Thanks for noticing!!
  7. I am on facebook to, but only stick to family & friends
  8. Hi fingers, it looks like I have been sent the same as you, and on the back of the page where it has my signature, it also looks like the t&c has been cut and pasted on the back, here is a link to my cca that I received today Pictures by mazza1970 - Photobucket
  9. Yes it does look like it has been copied onto the back.
  10. Ok, thanks, I wanted someone who understood this to look at it. Thanks again for your help.
  11. Here is a link, hope this works as it is the first time I have used photobucket! Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket
  12. Hi everyone, After asking for a copy of my cca since December 2008 - it has been passed from capquest back to Halifax then to Moorcroft - I have finally received it today. It is my signature on it which I signed in November 2003. The question I am asking though is the agreement they sent with it, it has my name and address printed on but at the end it has the reference T02R/FLATNG/RBPNG/0607 Forgive me if I am being dumb, not very good at all this, but does this mean the agreement they sent me was made in June 2007, but I signed for my card in November 2003. Sorry if asking stupid questions, but need to know what I am talking about as Moorcroft have put my account on hold until 21st April and want me to come up with a payment plan. Thanks.
  13. Received a letter today of cap one regarding my CCA request and all they have provided me with is a copy of the current terms and conditions - basically a leaflet - nothing with my signature on it. So is this enforacable or not?
  14. Thanks, I will put that letter on file and use when I need to
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