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Found 2 results

  1. I don't know what to do. I'm in the ESA WRAG due to depression, anxiety & social problems have been told I need to attend regular WFI office interviews & start applying for work to hold on to my benefit. I don't understand this. My WCA found me unfit & with multiple barriers to work. Even after years of Psychiatrists, medications & therapy I still have the same problems & am currently pushing my GP to see CMHT again about them. JCP don't accept this & are demanding that, in effect, I have to pretend I don't have any problems & go back to work. I need social support to even go anywhere. I did ask for a mandatory reconsideration to be placed in the support group but that was denied. So I'm stuck. I can't perform miracles & be fit for work again so it looks like I'll lose my benefit as I can't satisfy the demands that come attached to it. I feel like I'm bashing my head against the wall with JCP.
  2. Not for me. Advice on behalf of a relative. If you're appealing your ESA, are you still required to attend WFIs? Mum doesn't think the decision has been received yet. Well, she's not had a letter stating they've got it yet.
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