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Found 2 results

  1. Hi all, We have recently lost our bunny. He started having weepy eyes just after Christmas, I took him to one vet who said he probably had an eye infection and prescribed antibiotics. At this point this was fine, after a week on them with no improvement and his eye starting to bulge slightly we took him to a second vet. She said he either had an abscess or a tumour and she would need to do an ultrasound, which she did. Her diagnosis was a retrobulbar abscess and she said the surgery to extract it would be risky and difficult. Based on this statement we sought out the best rabbit vet in the country. We took him up, she said obviously if the previous vet had thought it was an abscess and had run an ultrasound then she would remove it and all should be fine. Mid surgery we find out it is in fact a very large tumour which would be almost inoperable and would severely affect his quality of life. We chose to put him to sleep while he was still under the anaesthetic. If the first vet had correctly diagnosed a tumour we would have bought him home, showered him with love and affection for a week or so and then put him to sleep before it significantly affected his eating. The surgery was totally unnecessary and was not only expensive but ended our little bun's life in a way that we would not have wanted. I am not sure what to do - can you advise?
  2. Hi, I put my car into a garage run by Service4Service so that they could check out an engine warning light. They said that they found nothing wrong with the engine so just reset the system and returned the car, however the warning light came back on on the next drive so I took it back in. They said that the fault signal came from the lambda sensor in the exhaust, and because there was nothing wrong with the engine the sensor must need replacing. I agreed the work and price, which was reasonable at £192. However on the next motorway drive the warning light has reappeared so it seems the sensor isn't the problem and there must be an underlying issue. Am I within my rights to try and reclaim the money they took for replacing the sensor when it appears that the original was working perfectly well and they haven't solved the underlying problem? I am taking the car back to the garage so what should my stance be on resolving the issue? Thanks, David
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