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  1. I will try and explain as best I can - hope it makes sense. I joined my present company in July 2009. I am a training consultant so basically teaching classes of people. During that year I got excellent feedback and attracted repeat business to the company. In June 2010 my employer told me to go and do a course I wasn't qualified for. For four days I faced a class of very aggressive people. To cut a long story short it really knocked my confidence. I should never have been sent to do it. A few other things were going on in my life and as a result I became depressed and very anxious. I have had depression for 10 years but up until June had been managing it ok. I have been off work now for five weeks. Per my contract of employment I get 10 weeks on full pay and then have to go on to SSP. With my health the way it is I cant go back to doing exactly what I was doing before. My job involved travelling and being away from home for 2 - 3 nights each and every week. Thats not possible for me at the moment. I am taking medication and seeing a counsellor so am helping myself as much as possible. I had a meeting with my manager on Monday who has basically said the choices are a) I leave or b) I go on to SSP and just stay off. Is there anyone who can give me some advice please? Do I have any rights under the DDA? I feel at a loss and scared stiff that in 4 weeks time I will go from earning £2300 per month to £79 SSP per week.
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