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Found 1 result

  1. Hi, I'm due to move to a new company in 3 weeks time and despite handing in my notice nearly 10 weeks ago my current employers have decided that i have breached the restrictive covenants in my contract and have sent me a letter from their solicitors looking for an injunction to stop me starting my new role ? A few facts of this are: there is a cross over of products between my current & new employers but there core products are different although in the same industry so not entirely direct competitors the core products amount of business only accounts for 1.35% of my exisiting companies business which they are trying to protect I have worked in this industry all my life and have therefore built my career and knowledge in this industry I am still working for my current employer they decided not to grant gardening leave. In fact I'm still out selling for them albeit on the Trade side and not the retail side which is my usual area. I know of other employees who have left for direct competitors and nothing happended. So my question is can they really enforce these and what are my next steps. Do I need a solicitor or should I acknowledge the letters myself ???
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