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  1. Good Afternoon I've seen a lot of threads regarding unfair gym cancellations & would like to explain my problem with David Lloyd Gyms for some advice and reassurance. I joined a Virgin Gym in November 2016 it was really on the basis that I'm swimming the English Channel in a team relay & the rest of my team were already members at this Virgin Gym & the swim facilities were excellent & it meant we could train together. I have two teenage sons & they joined with me paying at £86 per month for the 3 of us. Although the facilities were great - I found it difficult to use the facilities as I would have liked as the gym is 30 mins drive from and back to my home however I knew I was contracted for 12 months & continued to use even if I felt I was getting my monies worth in view of the traveling time etc. During the membership period the gym was sold to David Lloyd gyms - in mid December 2017 I cancelled my DD as I knew my 12 months contract had been completed & my commitment to them met. I had in the post received a letter from David Lloyd giving me the options of different memberships which I did not complete or sign. I then received a call from DL head office about my DD not being paid & explained I had completed my membership of 12 months & no longer wanted to be a member. My contract had been with Virgin & not David Lloyd in my eyes but they did point out that in the T&C of the Virgin contract it states that if the club is sold then the T&C will pass to the new club. I have additionally explained about the difficulty in the time spent travelling which us already more than 10 miles from the club & also explained that I'm moving (house was on the market at this stage & since sold) and planning on moving even further away making this club not suitable for my training requirements. They are insisting that my contract then went over to a rolling monthly contract and that as i did not give notice that I owe two months membership - as you have give a complete months notice at the end of the month & my DD cancelling before the 1st Jan payment date didn't count. I have since had letters from Arc and telephone calls from Arc and today a letter from Major Law Solictors stating they will seek their clients instructions regarding County Court for recovery of £346.08 . This is very worrying letter to receive and very unfair - what do you suggest I do?
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