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  1. I am currently on ESA and in the WRAG, i haven't been attending any appointments because according to them they didn't have the facilities in my area. Previously i have been doing telephone appointments once every 2 weeks or once a month. After about a year i got a phone call telling me there will no more telephone appointments and i have to attend a work related activity interview. I attended this interview and they said they are a private company ( life skills ) doesn't seem to be any info online about them. Anyway, they said because my work capability assessment was last July the clock is ticking and i technically should be considered fit to work. I had to sign a document that looked like a sign on book you do at the job center when on JSA and was given another appointment letter for in 2 weeks. I was told that i can look for jobs etc despite being on ESA and not JSA. Why should i have to look for jobs? All very bizarre, not sure what is going on. If i am now on the work program? Guess i am. Any info on this WRAG and work program would be appreciated. Thanks
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