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Found 2 results

  1. Can anyone help please? It's a little complicated but will try to keep it short. I rented my property on a 6 month AST to someone who owns next door and wanted to buy my property to knock through. It all started off well but the sale fell through - no fault of anyone's in particular and he has turned nasty. His tenancy ended on 31st October but he refused to leave and said he'd leave when he wanted. (even though he owns the empty property next door!) He was supposed to pay the rent for November on 26th October but obviously cancelled his direct debit because I didn't receive it and still haven't. I tried to take a prospective new tenant around there (giving him 24 hours notice) but it was hopeless as the tenant was obstructive and abusive. I have written him formal letters requiring him to leave on Nov 30th and follow up letters about rent but he hasn't responded. I then read I should have given him two months notice, so do I need to do this now or does the fact that his rent is now over 16 days late, mean this is void and I can get him out? I requested a meeting giving him 24 hours notice but he said it wasn't convenient. What on earth can I do?
  2. Hello all, I have a question relating to a landlords right of entry. I received a note from an agent acting on behalf of the landlord (another tenant in the same house.) It states his intention to enter my room to carry out an inspection as part of "legal and insurance responsibilities." It states the inspection will take place sometime in the next week and that he will let himself in ifI am not present. Whilst I understand the landlord has the right to enter the property at a reasonable time with 24 hours notice, is he required to specify a date and time? I have no issue with an inspection being carried out at all. It just feels that, for the next week, I have very little actual privacy given the landlord can enter on a whim. Thank you in advance for your help, Mark
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