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  1. Hi. I'm currently undergoing a disciplinary procedure with my place of work. It all stemmed from a manager monitoring a phone call to my husband and going from there, I have been investigated and my place of work have now sent me a disciplinary invitation advising that I have been investigated for gross misconduct. It all started when in the phone call, I said to my husband that I had told work a doctors apt was an hour earlier than the apt was - reason for the doctors appointment was that I was 2 weeks pregnant and wanted to get the ball rolling with the midwives etc. From this my place of work have now conducted the investigation and said that I have been falsifying my time sheets and basically stealing 'time' and finishing early. (- There have been lots of occasions where both mine and colleagues timesheets have been 'lost' and overtime was not paid or holidays not deducted) Other than the doctors apt I have been given auth from a manager to finish early etc. I have also not had a direct line manager since I told work I was pregnant. The investigation has gone as far back as March. As you may imagine at this moment I am petrified - My record at work is impeccable - no other warning, no sick (apart from a miscarriage I suffered late last year - though I believe that the time taken sick does not go on my record as it is maternity related) and I have been there for 11 years and I have done the same job all the way through these years so I am one of the best at what I do on my department. I personally believe that the company has done this since they found out I was pregnant. Please advise Many Thanks in advance Lisa
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