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  1. I have a 0 hours contact where I perform 8 hours or less per week for a business, it's a good rate of pay but not enough to cover the £71.50 per week every week. I don't claim any other benefits and most weeks I get £10 in JSA if I don't get extra hours and I've been doing this current job for several months. OK so it's a 0 hours contract but it's work, I enjoy it and it keeps my hand in so to speak, I also volunteer several days a week. I'm actively looking for alternative work and any casual jobs that come up I go on them but as I've not secured anything permanent in the past 15 months so I've just been put onto the Work Programme with Maximus and subcontractors. I've never been so demoralised in my life as when I went to the first interview. It was awful, they slagged off everything they could and kept mentioning sanctions. Theyt added every time they couldn't actually make a sanction, that was someone elses fault, but rest assured they could recommend it for anything they see fit so do as you are told, although in my case it's hardly a major threat. I had to tell them about my current employment. This was earlier in the week. The day after the interview someone from the subcontractors called my manager and started asking all sorts of questions. It was really embarrassing and then she insisted on talking to me and had nothing of importance to say. Then couple of days ago I received a letter from Maximus congratulating me on my new job? I don't have a new job I'm still on the 0 hours contract. It stinks of Maximus or their subcontractors trying to falsely claim tax payers money for finding me a position when they haven't or an adviser trying to bump up their numbers of people into work. I did not sign a Data Protection Waiver although they kept putting on plenty of pressure (mentioning sanctions they don't have anything to do with but they can tell JCP I'm not complying with something else in order to ensure I get a sanction). I did sign a sharing information document (big mistake) for which I'd now like to withdraw consent. I'm not sure how to go about this and do I make a complaint directly to Maximus or to the subcontractor? I don't want them falsely claiming money for something they haven't done.
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