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Found 1 result

  1. Argos have a reputation for providing a very bad a service and their correspondence and customer service is rubbish! Reference: 1141006653 I am writing to make a formal complaint regarding a recent purchase. When the item was ordered, I was quoted a delivery date of October 14th, 2016. The item did not arrive on this date which I find unacceptable. To explain in more detail I ordered several products from the store and paid for them to be delivered on the same day. I received 1 part of the products(Duvet &Pillow) but did not receive my TV and PlayStation 4, I called the fast track number and I was advised that my order was cancelled(Not by me or my bank). I visited the store the next day and was told the same, I requested why as money was debited from my account at the point of sale and I visited my bank to confirm that the money was taken, I was provided a transaction summary which confirmed that I have already been charged by Argos £668 to cover my purchase, but my money was not refunded either to my card or my account. I took a day off on Friday and Saturday to sort the orders out and as a result I have lost money and also distressed due to this. I do not have the product and service I paid for and no refund has been received either and. I returned to the store on Friday and I after waiting for about 45mins I was told that they do not have the particular TV(Confusing as I was told already that the money was refunded. Very angry I left and decided to make a formal complain and in their correspondence the financial staff stated again that my order can not be found. I would like to take this matter up legally as this issue has caused me financial difficulties and Argos would have to seriously improve their service and sort out the mess the have created.
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