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Everything posted by garfieldb

  1. Another Twist in the Bos saga, I got home from work today to find a letter from Dunfermile Customer Relations saying they are going to offer me £2,855.50 so i gave them a call and i spoke to a guy who said there was two letters on my file 1 saying about the £2,885.50 and another 1 saying about the £5,250 but they sent the one offering £2,885.50. So he then asked if i was sent the 1 for £5,250 would i accept.I said yes or i would have to continue with court action and he said he would pop it in the post. This is a bit weird dont you think. Also The return envelope is marked Customer Relations Halifax Plc Leeds. Also can i demand a cheque cause my old account doesnt get used any more.
  2. I think i will accept i know i am losing out but it is something that i never considered doing in the first place so i think a big pay like that is a bonus. I dont know if i could be commited enough to do the court stuff and with that ammount i think by what i read i would have to apply for court action several times. I have not had my offer letter yet that was just a phone call to the Bos so i suppose there is still thinking time.
  3. I called the BoS on Friday and was told that they are going to make a good will gesture payment of £5,250.I think i am going to accept this as its a huge ammount.
  4. Hi, I am really new to this so please be paitent with my ramblings. Firstly i got the original information from another site (shock horror) before i discovered this one which may i add is brill. I sent away my 1st letter requesting my bank statements and recieved them in good time (hurrah).I then calculated my charges and interest (however i think i have not asked for enough in interest as the other web site was not to clear on how to work it out) based on looking at spread sheet and other postings.The ammount comes to nearly £7000 pounds and thats me short changing myself (big frown). So i send them a recorded delivery letter with guaranteed delivery by the 05/12/06 giving them 14 days to respond on the 14th day i received a letter back form them they are sorry i am unhappy with the charges and that i would receive a reply shortly but no later that 4 weeks. So i gave them the 4 weeks which was the 3rd of January and gave them a call, they told me that a letter had been posted to me.So the next day i received another letter from them saying " That they are sorry that i have not had a full response and they are still investigating my complaint and i will receive a response as soon as possible but certainly no later than the 2nd of Feb". I dont know they are just wasteing time? I was going to send them another letter demanding a response in 14 days or i am going ahead with court action.Is this the right route to take. I was considering just giving up but its a heck of a lot of money. Please help Trish
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