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peaches' mum

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Posts posted by peaches' mum

  1. Hi Guys


    Well I have finally found the Vamp's spreadys. I have exported the one called Throughout Claim with Compounded Contractual Interest - is that the one you were talking about? I will give it a go with another credit card, thing is the box B6 contains 'Claim date' yet box B7 contains 'Interest Rate', have I got the spready you were talking about?


    MBNA's 14 days are up with me so am going to ring Colin Pugh 01244 672979 to see if he can assist with my claim. Was given his number through a member on penaltycharges.co.uk apparently he seems to have the authourity to settle claims.


    If I get no joy from him then I will tell him that if I do not have the full refund I will file a claim.

  2. Hi Guys & Gals


    The £2089 hit my account Monday 16th April, HURRAHHHHH!!! Thank you for all your help, now I must get on with shouting at the other financial institutions!


    Peaches' Mum - Peaches is very happy too by the way she now thinks Im going to buy her a Gucci collar!

  3. IM SO EXCITED AND I JUST CANT HIDE IT, IM ABOUT TO LOSE CONTROL & I THINK I LIKE IT!!!! 1st Direct responded immediately to my 'refusal of a partial offer' letter and they have offered me £2089 the full amount I'm reclaiming from them for the past 6 years!!!! HURRAHHHHHH!!!


    Natrually I will be gracious enough to accept their 'kind' offer, so will be signing their 'I accept the sum of £2089.00 in full & final settlement of my complaint against the bank & understand the funds will be credited to the above numbered account' letter ASAP. However no idea is given of when the funds will be credited to my account, I now feel like being cheeky and giving them a deadline!


    THANK YOU for all of your help, a donation will be on its way to the site once the £ is cleared...




    :) :) :D :D ;) ;)

  4. Hi DX


    Would like to claim CCI but cant get my head round it at all, so many nice people on here have tried to help me but Im a complete dumbass! (I got a D for Maths GCSE so that should explain it!). Will just claim said amount and then when I can, I will +8%. At least that I can explain in court if I have to!


    I know the letter is a bit OTT but I wanted to be sooo nice that it made Stuart Johnson sick!


    Am sending the letter & list of charges on 10th April, will give them til 24th April to give £ back or respond positively!


    Thanks for your comments...:)

  5. Hi Guys


    Case so far:


    Sent DPA disclosure request 28/02/07


    Received a letter from Mr Richard Cook in Manchester on 8/03/07 saying:

    'Thanks for your DPA, we can provide a list of charges and we've got your £10 for this'. (So why didnt they just send a list of charges? DOH!) You want to see manual intervention so fill out all the forms and 2 forms of id. blah blah.


    So I couldnt be bothered with that and just went through the statements I have, almost all for the last 4 years. I reckon they owe me £326 without any CCI or 8% (yes I know I can only claim if it goes to court). So here is my letter to them, is it ok?:



    Looking forward to your responses!smile.gif

  6. Hi Guys


    Finally got my act together and am doing all my letters tonight, does this sound ok?


    Miss Katherine Blunt

    Legal Department


    4th Floor

    Loxley House

    Station Street


    NG2 3HX

    2 April 2007


    Request for repayment of charges


    Dear Miss Blunt,




    My request

    I am writing to ask you to refund to me the charges which you have levied from my account over the last two years.

    I now understand that the regime of fees which you have been applying to my account in relation to late payments, going over my limit and so forth are unlawful at Common Law, Statute and recent consumer regulations. If you say that they are not, then will you please demonstrate this by letting me have a full breakdown of the costs to which you have been put by as a result of my breaches, in order to reassure me that your penalties really do reflect your costs?

    Additionally, it has now been confirmed that your particularly high level of penalties are considered to be unfair per se by the OFT who reported on the 5th April 2006 and are therefore presumed to be unlawful in the absence of specific proof to the contrary.


    Your responsibilities

    I would draw your attention to the terms of the contract which you agreed to at the time that I opened my account. It is an implied term of that contract that you would conduct yourselves lawfully and in a manner which complies with UK law.


    I am frankly shocked that you have operated my account in this way as I had always reposed confidence in your integrity and expertise as my fiduciary. I consider that your repeated representations that your charges are fair and reasonable are deceptive and that they have deceived me into agreeing to pay them. Your concealment of the true nature of your charges has prevented me from asserting my right until now.


    What I require

    I calculate that you have taken £104 which you have charged me in late payment and over limit fees. I enclose a schedule of the charges which I am claiming with this letter.


    My targets to resolve this matter

    I hope that you will enter into a sincere dialogue with me about this matter and I am writing this letter to you on the assumption that you will prefer to do this than merely respond with standard letters and leaflets.


    I will give you 14 days to reply to me accepting, unconditionally, my request in principle and letting me know a date by which I will receive payment.


    If you do not respond, or you do not respond positively, within this time period, I shall send you a letter before action giving you a further 14 days in which to reflect. I believe that these targets are more than sufficient for a large company such as yours with dedicated staff and departments.


    After that, there will be no further communication from me and I shall issue a claim at the expiry of the second deadline.



    Yours faithfully,

  7. Hi dx100uk


    Im going to use the following letter and send it to Stuart Johnson (Ass Vice Pres!):

    Dear Stuart,

    Account Number:

    Further to your letter dated 27th February 2007, please find enclosed a cheque for Mr DXXXX– he is not a relation of mine and I think that you have sent this to me by mistake. I thank you for your offer of £190 as a ‘gesture of goodwill’ , however I shall not be accepting this. Due to the extensive media coverage on bank charges I am now aware that you, (MBNA Europe Bank Limited) have been charging me charges, that are contrary to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Schedule 2 (e) of the said regulations gives a non-complete list of terms, which may be regarded as unfair, such as a term that requires me as a consumer who fails in his obligation, to pay a disproportionately high sum in compensation.


    Your charges appear to be nothing more than a profit-making scheme. Therefore I require you to refund me a total of £436, representing the total, unlawful charges deducted from my account during the last 6 years. I hereby give you 14 days (from 3rd April 2007), to refund the charges back on to my account. For the avoidance of doubt, if this is not done within 14 days, I will commence my claim in the courts without further warning. This action will inevitably involve you in paying additional costs i.e. solicitor’s fees.


    If you refuse to comply with my request for a refund, then I request proof of all costs involved, in regards to your actual or liquidated losses involved in any breach of contract to which these charges relate with yourselves, and that these charges reflect your true costs in relation to the said charges, and are proportionate to the charges levied on my account, as defined in Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Schedule 2 (e).


    Finally if you are going to say that there was no breach of contract and that these charges are for a service, then I will argue that you have attempted to restructure accounts in order to present events of default spuriously as additional services. I must remind you that the UTCCR’s are concerned with the intention and effects of terms, not just their mechanism. For example, a charge for 'agreeing to' or 'allowing' a customer to exceed his credit limit is no different from a charge for the customer's 'default' in exceeding his credit limit.


    I also hereby request a copy of my contract with you and a copy of my original terms and conditions, along with a detailed report of which clause, in the terms and conditions, each charge has been applied against.

    Yours faithfully,

    Is this ok? Need to send it tomorrow (2 April)


  8. Hi


    Have finally received a letter from 1st Direct, They say: "I note that you have included Recall and Unpaid item fees in your total, we do not look to review these fees. In the circumstances where you have authorised a payment that would, if met by us, lead to your account going overdrawn or to exceed an angreed overdraft limit, we have to consider whether to make this payment. A fee is payable for this service provided by the bank, details are published in our tariff. We are confident of our position & believe that if your claim for a refund proceeded to court, we would successfully resist any legal challenge in relation to these fees.


    So we are going to offer you £1005 in full & final settlement".


    I have 10 days from 20 March to say yes.


    My full claim to them is £2099 (with no 8% or any other %s added).


    What should I do next?

    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

  9. Hi


    I used to have an Egg credit card & a loan. Gave up the card and put what I owed onto the loan - can I still reclaim for the card?


    There are sooo many addresses to send the 1st letter to, which one (Holborn or Pride Park) responds quicker?




    :confused: :confused: :confused:

  10. Hi


    Case so far:


    SAR sent 22/01/07

    Notification of receipt of SAR sent by MBNA 30/01/07

    Apologies for delay in sending statements to you from MBNA 20/02/07

    Statements & letter from MBNA 27/02/07


    I have calculated my late payment fees etc and it comes to £424 without 8% or CCI.


    In their letter they say:

    'Our view is that the charges you agreed to are vail, fair & enforceable!. Prior to July 06 term 3b of your credit agreement with us clearly stated that you must pay £25 each time your payment had not reached us in time blah blah. Here are your statements, we havent charged you for sending them to you & here is your £10 cheque (which BTW comes from someone with the same name as me!!).


    We value your custom & would like to resolve this matter so can offer you a goodwill gesture of £190 credited to your account on the basis that this is full & final settlement. You've got 8 weeks to make your mind up'.




    Shall I just send them the prelim letter with a list of charges & see where it goes? Or should I send them a list of charges +8%?


    Thanks for reading this...




    :-? :-? :-?

  11. Hi


    I used to have an Egg credit card & a loan. Gave up the card and put what I owed onto the loan - can I still reclaim for the card?


    There are sooo many addresses to send the 1st letter to, which one (Holborn or Pride Park) responds quicker?



  12. Hi All


    Sent my 1st letter to Barclaycard on 28/12/06, they sent a letter dated 12/02/07 (46 days later) to say that 'there is a delay in providing the info due to large number of similar requests. We have made the ICO aware of the volume challenges we face & that we are writing to you in these terms. Sorry for the delay but we will get your statements to you as soon as we can'.


    Should I send them the 2nd letter (DPA) or send a letter to the ICO or just wait?





  13. Thanks for that Stornoway, at the mo Im just putting all my charges onto a list and will then see if I can get my head around contractual interest... Have another question, do you know whether you can add an 'EFT Inter-Bank' charge (in my case £20) to the reclaimable charges? FD have told me this is what they charged me for same day transferring money into an estate agent's bank account!:confused::mad:

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