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Everything posted by gee_gee

  1. Do you know if there are any letter templates that I can use for my initial application to my lender (Mortgage Express) or relevant threads that I can follow I may have missed. I saw the advicer at the Citizens Advice Bureau, done the budget sheet but I now have to put a letter together asking my lender to put me onto this scheme as I tend to meet all their stated criteria. Thanks
  2. Hi, Does anyone have experience of applying for the above scheme where you can get your payments deferred for up to 2years as long as you pay 30% of you interest only payments. Just seen a financial advicer at the Citizens Advice Bureau and want to see what experiences others have had and if they are any letter templates that can be used to ask lenders to put you on this scheme. Thanks
  3. How long on average do you think it would take to get settlement if i moved to next stage of filing with barclays? Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated
  4. Thanks...for that. What is the best advise you would give then. I have already sent a LBA so I proceed to file....or do i need to write back with anything at all. If so are there any templates you can advise i use?
  5. Thanks for that - am currently at LBA stage where they had until the end of this week before filing?
  6. Hi can anyone help. Initial claim of £2500 incl interest and Barclays have come back to me after the second letter with an offer of £1600 as full and final settlement of this. Part of me says take it but the other part says..heck it's my money. Can anyone advise.....i would like to put to them an offer to them of the capital amount of £2000 and propose that if they make payment of this..will accept as full and final payment. What letter would I use...or can anyone give me some advice on this.
  7. Quick question people - i am in my intial stages with Barclays and recently got a reply to the first letter. The 14 days we give them - i presume this is 14 working days i presume because if not i may have given them too much time and need to send the second letter today Thnx
  8. Sam, How did this go...any tips
  9. Just joined and have seen some very useful tips. Will be sending Barclays my letter requesting quite a lot of money over the years. Has anyone recently had any problems/successes/tips while dealing with Barclays.
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