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Everything posted by congyiszizu

  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. hi guys, quick update. After the decision the other day about all claims being on hold until the test case goes to court i have received an offer from the Clydesdale for £930.00. Now i know we should never accept anything but the full amount, but given the upcoming case would it be sensible to accept this. Also how long does the offer stay open for. Many thanks
  3. right guys and gals, its court time! can someone link me to where i read up on what to do next. i have sent letter before action giving them 14 days and not heard response. next step?
  4. Howdy all, heres the situation customer of Clydesdale bank for 10+ years. now living in Cheltenham, England. tallied up my totals and came to a figure of £1875. Sent initial request to CB last week and got a reply today (03/05/07) with the usual "our charges are legal". Will send out letter before action tommorow and keep you all updated. Just a quickie. if i need to go to court,can that happen in England? I work at a law firm and get free legal:p
  5. forgot to add i dont think the small claim section (scottish will apply) i think im roughly owed 4k
  6. Evening all, Firstly sorry if this is in the wrong forum but i cant see a clydesdale bank forum. i sent a data protection act request over a month ago and finally got this reply today(on the 39th day). "we confirm that the bank can only provide customers with copy bank statements from July 2005 onwards.As under the data protection act 1998 the information you are entitled to must be held in a relevant filing system and it was on July 2005 that our statement records became accessible in electronic form, thereform statements prior to July 2005 are outwith the scope of the act. Unfortunately as your account was closed prior to this date we are unable to provide copies under the act and have returned your payement. Copies of earlier statements can be retreived manually at a cost of £5 per statement and should you require statements prior to july 2005 please contact your branch. We also note your request for disclosure of data relating to manual intervention on your account. This is not data which you are entitled to receive under a data subject access request and accordingly no such disclosure will be made." Can anybody help me where do i go from here. oh and ps: this account that was supposedly closed prior to 2005 is still alive and well today. infact i got a £22.50 through the letterbox on the very same day. Help please
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