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  1. HI TO ALL FIRST TIME ON,AND HAVE A PROBLEM---BIT OF BACKGROUND FIRST.Took out a mortgage with GMAC in october 05,it was a remortgage to reless funds for a business venture--cut a long story short the business i bought was based on as we have now found out on fraudulant figures [ which is going through the courts]also as the previous owners have also taken the client business back by undermean hands[also going through the courts as the contracts signed have been breached--all this has led to the business having to close and being £250,000 down on the awfull experiance. Back to the point,gmac have applied to the courts for reposession this month as the mortgage arreas are now 5 months old.On the original contract there is a clause that states early redemption fee is payable within the first 2 years of the mortgage,which if repossesd before this october 07 is payable.the sum being £24,000 in penalties.Which seems very high as the situation has been out of my control.I suppose I could ask the courts to delay repossesion untill this october.[but cant see that happenning ]as then the total debt including all arreas would be less as the redemtion early release would have ended by then.-help
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