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Everything posted by 66pete

  1. now that would be even funnier, hmm wonder if i can get some more money from them
  2. i don't think they gave me any notice at all to be honest. will have to look at the letters i have, but i do not at all remember being told my account woould be closed if i didn't do this or that or whatever ..
  3. no reason was given but they had previously asked for my overdraft to be cleared. so i expect it was due to that... i had moved my banking to Barclays a while ago as they were playing silly buggers with my account.
  4. Ok sent the first letter on january 18th , they then decided to close my account on 2nd february and tell me that as i no longer have an account i will need to goto a branch to collect the papers i have requested, sent letter back the next day registerd post.. they state that they have 40 days from receipt of payment .. wish i had sent cash now as they held onto the cheque untill 22nd of march. so should get it all on 1st june i hope .. nice delaying tactic by them then :mad:
  5. i have nothing except the car, i am not trying to be dishonest or hide anything. my main concerns are seeing my children and that is it. my youngest loves coming down to see me and staying, even if she is 15
  6. hav just found out according to glass's its worth around £1500 but it is a 1990 car so not sure now
  7. my kids live around 50 miles away, and i normally have one of them overnight at least once a week. so that is a 200 mile round trip. I have already thought about selling the car as i have this feeling it will go no mater what i do. i just need to find someone with a glass's guide now and see what its really worth.
  8. i am truly gobsmacked. and they wonder why some people are always on the poverty line.
  9. ffs 60% ... thats just daylight robbery.. cheaper to get a loan from the prudential man who comes knocking on your door isn't it???
  10. thanks for the information gingerheid much appreciated. no credit for 6 years, i can not say its not going to be a problem, but the g/f has an excellent credit so i might be able to borrow from her if i needed to. we know we can get a ruling that will not tie her into any of my past problems. about to advise them to take it to court to see if i can continue paying at the reduced level, so might be a while before it gets to it i suppose.
  11. many thanks all the works van insurance states no passengers so might help, i really need the car as its the only way i can really go and see my kids. i can not afford to use a coach or a train. i dont want to seem unresonable about the car as it is in reality the only thing i posess bar the pc i am on now. the g/f owns her house and is paying the morgage on it. i have no vested interest in the house as under her csa ruling the kids own 50 % she owns the other 50 %. the final nail in the coffin for me is the csa ariving to give me a final kicking, and i now have had to drop my reduced paymens even further. i may be able to afford a few pounds to pay back some of my debts for 3 years and have no problem with doing so. non was induced by gambling but i feel a case of looking at how much went out each month and thinking yeah i can pay that, only kept forgetting i had to live. ex wife sold 2 cars i had paid for and kept the money each time to get something better and i have ended up paying the brunt of it as it was in my name . along with lloyds deciding it was fine for them to give me a 20k loan, even tho i was struggling to pay back the other one i already had. they even tried to give me the full 25k saying hey dont worry its only 5k, no doubt you caould use it, gladly i declined their nice offer. i did clear some of the credit cards with it though and cut them up. as for actually doing the deed , well no it does not worry me and the thought of NO credit really does not worry me, in fact i can say i will be more than happy to never own another credit card ever again. i know you have to sometimes sacrifice things to move forwards but its the hassle of selling it or getting it taken away, and finding the funds to get another to see my 2 kids. many thanks for your understanding replys ..
  12. yeah i know, not looking to do anything naughty, but i am looking at all opertunities before i take the first steps ...
  13. 66pete

    hi there ..

    have already got a nice stack of recorded delivery labels, i have been doing too much reading on here
  14. someone mentioned to me that there might be a way using the v5 document if i can prove i am not the owner of the car but just the keeper. would be nice to keep the car but am resigning myself to loosing it
  15. as much as i would like to think its worth less i can see it being worth 3-4k all day long....
  16. 66pete

    hi there ..

    oh well .. plenty for me to read for a few months then
  17. ok .. just started to reclaim some of my bank charges back so it might help my situation but i doubt it .. through my own stupidness i have racked up around 40k in unsecured debts... have found the girly of my dreams and moved in with her the only thing i have to my name is a car possibly worth 3-4k along with various other bits and pieces collected via my past years .. pc etc.. now have been looking into all the different ways of paying back the money but now have been kicked again by the csa for around £300pcm . the money is not there... have been payin back on reduced payments and have dropped the total by around 4k over the past 3 years.. my g/f is fully aware of my situation and is being very supportive.. but i really need the car to visit my kids who are 50 miles away as the company van i have is not insured for passengers. i get around 20k pa wages but it always seems to just vanish paying off the costs of living etc ... the debters have now said bugger off you can't pay even less than you have although i have been paying what i can afford one has been very ostructive and has kept trying to remove more money on a direct debit than they should, every time its claimed back thugh and the bnk say it will not happen again etc etc (5 times so far) so then its cancell the direct debit, contact bank and complain, open a new direct debit, which all in all takes 2 months only for it to happen again. i also feel my health has been affected by all of this .. now why post this ? i don't really know, just after some guidance i suppose and i feel the only way out is bankruptcy as i do not have enough spare cash each month for an iva. thanks for your time
  18. 66pete

    hi there ..

    just about to start to reclaim all of my charges from the past few years .. will le you all know how i get on .. having read a few things on here looks like lloyds are becoming a pain in the prevebial ..so no doubt going to be fun and games :D
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