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Everything posted by beau

  1. This situation is very much dependent on circumstances, i.e if these pymnts are paying off a credit card debt you are able to write to bank and request lower monthly pymnts however they will and can refuse if you say for example 'i can only afford 10.00 per month' + the bank then notice monthly pymnts of 40.00 going to a sky subscription, if you see where im coming from the bank will see your credit card debt as more important than sky, however, if the are pymnts relating to your account they should be justified i.e no more than admin costs, if you are having difficulties what they should be prepared to do is either freeze or lessen these charges, again write to them explaining your personal circumstances, also, pls dont take this wrong way but be nice and suck up as alot of the time a bank is less helpful if they receive a stinking/letter fone call, we consumers do have a tendency to forget that we are communicating with another person and we bank people dont like to help customers who aren't nice to us. Hope this helps.
  2. Best bet is to try + reclaim through AOL directly, however, your bank/credit card company may be able to reclaim some payments for you on a chargeback. the max is 6mnths tho, chargeback would be service not received, this will only be done if the access to AOL was in fact cancelled and you were not using service. If bank chargeback + AOL can show you have accessed the AOL account since cancelled the bank will lose the chargeback and will not be able to reclaim any funds. Hope this helps.
  3. Hello, just to let you know, it is down to your branch/bank to refund your bank charge, contact them and explain that going overdrawn was not any fault of yours, i worked for bank debit card disputes area so believe me i know, banks can be very cheeky sometimes. Hope this helps.
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