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Everything posted by rainy

  1. ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod......... Barclays have just e mailed me a full settlement offer.... woooohhoooooooo. I WON!!!!!! I wanna thank everyone for their advice - a donation will be winging its way to you as soon as the money is safely in my account !!!!! mx
  2. I spoke to that Paul man yesterday - he was a bit of a waste of space I have to say. However I spoke to Charlotte who is dealing with my case and she was very helpful and nice and told me she will settle. Don't give up now, this is your money you are fighting for and a fair amount it is to......
  3. Ok I will...... Thanks for your replies and encouragement saintly............. Here goes....
  4. ok I called Krysta - who was engaged (surprose surprise - I can't think why!!!!!!) But a guy called Paul Quinn answered the phone and told me that a lady called [NAME REMOVED] was dealing with my case and gave me the number. My court date is 14 th June should I call her now and ask if they are willing to settle !!! Does anyone know of Charlotte and more importatly has she settled anyones claim before ?!??!! Thanks mx
  5. This may sound stupid but do I not get anything from barclays just because they have no intention of going to court - or because they dont have to supply anything in their defense?? Thanks saintly for your reply ... I will do that in a few days I think - theres really not long before the date !!! mx
  6. Hi.........again!!! i have just thought of yet ANOTHER question for you guys..... Im really sorry. Can I ask.... should I be expecting any documents from Barclays i.e their defence??? My bundle has gone to them and the courts but do they have to send me anything that they may reply on as evidence ???? Also if I don't received this what does that mean ?? MANY MANY thanks m x
  7. Oh really !!!! Maybe I'll wait then - if I don't phone Barclays - will they phone me before the court date??? Also should barclays have to provide me with documents for their defence (should it go that far) ??
  8. Thanks for your reply - I think I will give them a quick ring later. The trouble is I want to know where I stand but in light of the recent events with Lloyds I don't want to seem desparate !!! I think im just having a little crisis of confidence as its only 4 weeks to the court date, perfectly normal from what Ive read on other threads !!!! Mx
  9. Also my court case is on 14 June - should I phone them now ??? very nervous now !!!!
  10. Hi Guys A collegue has just told me that she has read that lloyds TSB have won in court regarding bank chanrges - please tell me she has this wrong ??? M x
  11. Hi Everyone Although my court date isn't until 14 June I have to say I am getting a little nervous - hoping that I have done everything correctly and most of all that Im not the first person that Barclays take to court. Could you just confirm that I am correct in waiting now until 2-3 weeks before the court date and then phoning to see if they will settle ??? Thanks Mx
  12. Phew..... court bundle handed into the court and sent to Barclays!!!!!! Will sit and wait until two weeks before my hearing date to phone them up ........... Thanks so much everyone for your help. mx
  13. Hi Yes I got an AQ to complete which I did and the court have written back now with my date of 15 June !!! M x
  14. Well... I have my court date of 15 June at Guildford Court. I am very very very scared now, but I am holding my nerve and going for it.... I am just sorting out my court bundle ... could anyone just confirm that the bundle is printed off as it is written on the templates (apart from the two websites you print off) then add your own docs ie correspondence, a up to date statement of charges, and then number the pages and write this on the index. Just a quick question regarding the court charges - do I add these to my statement at this stage ???? Then am I right in thinking one goes to barclays, one goes to the court and i keep one??? Sorry to be a pain - i am very worried about this now but im not gonna let them get away with it !!! Also is it best to call barclays before hand to ask them to settle a couple of weeks before the date- if so who do I call and what do I say ????? Thansk so much for all your help - please tell me this is nearly over !!!! M x
  15. ...Im not really sure from now on in so I may bee hassling you all some more. I even got to the stage of entering my judgement against them, and 3 hours later - LATE i may add - they submitted it. I think i have this right - I need to wait for the allocation questionnaire and court date first of don't I ????
  16. Can anybody tell me if they have has something similar happen to them when switching bank accounts. I decided before claiming that I would switch my bank account to a fairer (if thats possible) bank. I did this. However my Barcalys account was left with a £430 overdrawn figure - I have a £250 overdraft !! Now, I don't dispute that I owe the bank money and I have every intention of paying this back, just not all in one month. However last nite I received a phone call from barclays to inform me that if I do not bring the account into the agreed overdraft of £250 they will "take action" on my account - what ever that means !!! All of the above I really don't blame the bank for, if it had not been for the fact that Barclays Bank continuously let me go over my limit every single month over and over and over again without once phoning me to ask me to pay the money back a few times recently almost double what I was over now- of course I realise that they were getting a fat £90 per month off me for the pleasure - Oh and lets not forget the £11.50 account fee I pay as well !!! The "adviser" I spoke to informed me if this was not paid the account would be closed and spending would be stopped - I confirmed to him that my account was in dispute at this time and was he sure that he was able to do this - he wasnt !!!! This attitude of barclays has really concerned me. If I has suddenly been made redundant and my wages hadn't gone into my account for 1 month - would they apply the same heavihanded tactics to get £200 back ?? As it is I am paying them as I get paid on Thursday - like i said I agree that I do owe the bank money - however having been a customer for 15 years and always having a wage going in I feel really disappointed that as soon as my wages do not go in and I owe them £200 more than Im supposed to I get phonecalls that are frankly quite upsetting.
  17. Me again !!!! Just looked on the MCOL website and my claim is issued - the defendant now has 14 days from the dat they are served with the claim to reply. do I just sit tight and wait for now ??? I have already sent the letters with the schedule to my bank and the court. mx
  18. My claim has now been registered !!!! iT DID COST £120 IN THE END - still a small price to pay if I can get £3500 back !!! I guess now I just wait and see if the courts accept my claim ???? Thanks for your help so far everyone - especially Welshman !!!Thanks Mx
  19. Thanks Welshman, I have now found the spreadsheet, in the same place as the one I used for sending to the bank. Sorry - dumb moment again !!! So I will register the claim today adding on the extra monies - then send the spreadsheet (with interest) to the court and my bank to put on my file.
  20. Thanks so much everyone for your help.... i know I am being a pain but just another small question regarding putting the claim on MCOL. I have put in the Particualars of Claim (taken from this website and amended with my details), but since I sent the original letter asking for mayment to my bank I have been charges a further £180 on charges (cannot believe barclays can get away with this) can I add this to the total and calculate the 8% interest on this figue also ??? Also MCOL online only seem to be charging me £30 is this correct. Does the court charge depend on the are you live in ??? Also could someone point me in the direction of the spreadsheet to calculet interest?? im really sorry for this!!! Thanks in advance M x
  21. HI Everyone, My 14 days is up tomorrow and I then need to register my claim. A couple of questions if you don't mind ??? Firstly, is the court fee payable when you register the claim?? If not when will I need to pay this and any approximate amounts ?? Second, I know I go on to the MCOL website (is that right?) to register the claim. Once this has been done online do I need to do anything else or just wait for correspondence from the court ?? Sorry to be so ditzy but this is getting a bit more serious now and I want to do it right. I am DETERMINED to get my money back off of this bank !!!!!! M x
  22. Have now sent the LBA to Barclays !!! Its all very exciting .......
  23. I thought about NTL but I have heard thier Customer Service is absolutley shocking and after all the hoohah with SKy I really would like to go to a company whose Customer Service is at least half way decent. Perhaps I will have a look at them as I believe we are in an ok area to receive this. Thanks for your replies ..... mx
  24. Thanks for your replies, I think Im just going to give up with this and ask for my money back that has been spent so far. Ridiculous customer service and even more ridiculous that it seems an engineer hasn't even been out to check out the problem yet. I think I will go with another provider - any ideas anyone ???? Thanks
  25. I hope Im posting in the right place for this but just wanted to know if any one is having any problems with Sky Broadband. I phone up Mid September and was told that my router etc would be with me soon and then I would get an activation date for broadband and should be on within about 10 days !!! So much for that !!!!! It took another phone call for them (and me) to realise that my equipment had never been ordered. They ordered it again (by this time it was mid October) and hey presto it arrived within 4 days. My activation date was next ..... so all was going to plan - obviously the initial ba**S up was just an oversight !!!! My activation date was 9 November so I tried the broadband then - no internet light. My friend who is a computer whizz came round a few days later to try and still no luck. So we phone Sky Broadband. They said the problem was with BT and they would raise a solve.... this they did and BT came back to me on 24 November to tell me there actually was no problem with this line. Sky then raised another solve and have said now that there is a problem with their equipment at the exchange but this has not been sorted out still after two months. I have e mailed a letter of complaint (12 December) and received no reply, I have chased this up twice and received no acknowledgment, I have phone three to four times a week only to be told that this is still ongoing and it is affecting lots of people in my area - that helps !!!! In desparation I even wrote a mail to watchdog!!!!!!!! So here i am still with no broadband - money has been reimbursed to us for the two months ( i cant believe it was taken in the first place) and when all over I will be getting the price of the phone calls back. All I want is the service that they have said they can offer. Has anyone got any advice as to what else I can do, Im really getting no where on the phone, or by letter and am slowly going mad !!!!! Thanks m
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