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Everything posted by neilc123

  1. Ah, the sweet, sweet smell of success! It's a win. Thanks everyone. I've got a cheque in my hand. Couldn't have done it without this site. Now where's that "Donate" button?
  2. I hope you're right, Mr Bump! Cheers...
  3. Anyone? Do I need to start preparing myself for the possibility of a court case? :?
  4. Lee, I'm a little concerned now. We seemed to have had the same court date/time in Cardiff and yet I've heard nothing since January. And Mupster was meant to be at the one too from memory. And he's been settled in full. I know each case is different but I'm hoping I don't end up having to go to court.... :-/
  5. Thanks Gary, That;s incredibly useful. Worth sending the court bundle as well? Neil
  6. Something's come up and there's a slim possibility that I won't be able to make it to the court date. I probably will be there, but I just want to be fully prepared on the off-chance. Does anybody know what I should do, or if there's any letter I should write to the court and Cobblers to let them know I won't be there? Cheers!
  7. Thanks guys. Prepared and printed my court bundle out (in triplicate!) a few weeks ago during a quiet afternoon at work. Thought I may as well get it ready, just in case I needed to be in court at short notice. Thanks for your support!
  8. Yep, let's stay in touch. See you in court....* * hopefully not!
  9. *Bump*, just in case people are viewing after work. Cheers!
  10. Hi all, I haven't posted much here but I just want to say thank you to everyone who's contributed to the wealth of information available on this site. Truly brilliant and I couldn't have got this far without it! Anyway, I've been going through the small claims process for several months now and have reached the stage where it appears a court date has been set. However, I've done searches for "General Form Of Judgment or Order", which is the letter I've just received from the court, and it appears there's no standard letter that the courts are sending out. "Upon the Courts own motion. The court has made this order of its own initiative without a hearing. If you object to this order, you must make an application to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of receiving it. It is ordered that 1. directions will be given in this case by the designated civil judge, His Honour Judge G Hickinbottom, on the 26th March etc etc. 2. The parties may appear in person or make written representations as to how the case should proceed provided a copy of the representations is sent to the court and the other side at least 7 working days prior to the hearing." So, I have a few questions: 1 - This is a hearing to see which direction the case will go, right? There won't actually be a ruling? 2 - Shall I prepare my court bundle, just in case? 3 - Shall I send it in to the court and/or Cobblers? 4 - Is there anything else I should do in preparation? 5 - What's the likelihood of me actually having to go? Are NatWest actually settling before these dates? Thank you everyone!
  11. OK. Thanks for the reassurance Deller! So I suppose there's a possibility of me going through this CPR18 / AQ thing that I've been reading about....? But for now I just sit and wait?
  12. Well, I got a letter yesterday from the court saying Natwest intend to defend the claim (it was a copy of Natwest's acknowledgement to my claim - or at least that's what it looked like to me - didn't have time to look it over too carefully). Looks like I'm actually going to have to go to court! :-/ I suppose I'd better have a good read through of the other Natwest pages on the forum to see what I'm likely to come up against next....
  13. Actually, before I press "send", does anybody know whether I'm under any legal obligation to inform them that I'm taking the matter to Small Claims? My last letter to them contained the following phrase: "I wrote to you on 6th November asking that you repay these charges as a gesture of goodwill to a loyal customer. Since you have not done so, I intend to take the matter further and claim the amount of 828 pounds through the small claims court." And then I said I'd give them 7 days to reply. They came back with a less than 50 percent offer and now I'm about to submit my small claims form. I'm assuming that because I gave them a warning before I don't need to tell them before I submit the form?
  14. Will do! Thanks very much. Here goes 120 quid!
  15. I'm halfway through the process of trying to claim back 828 pounds plus interest. Natwest have offered me a settlemnt but it's less than 50 percent of what I'm "owed". Firstly, the text I;ve fuond to enter into the small claims online process is too long to fit in the box. Can anyone send me a link to text that fits (1080 characters over a max of 24 lines, i think). Secondly, what's the likelihood of this being settled before I have to go through the rigmorole of actually giong to court to defend this? Obviously I'm happy to fight this to the end but it would be nice to know that Natwest settle up before the deadline in most cases. I've got the 120 pounds put by and I'm just about to press the "send" button, but I just need some text and a bit of confidence! Thanks all, there's some amazing info on these pages. It's been incredibly helpful.... Neil
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