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Everything posted by benjyboy2468

  1. the overall point being, in relation to paying back court costs, it will not go that far!if you check the surveys, and every other post in here, no-one has lost. the banks are running scared, and they will settle, in full, at some point. you will not have to pay any costs! keep the faith, and keep reading the threads.
  2. good luck, still not heard nuffink! waiting a week to phone court back to get date!
  3. yes you pay an additional £100, but you will get this back. i struggled with the costs as well, but do feel the sacrifices will be worth the result. good luck.
  4. i realise threads get lost in here, could someone please stay with me? and any answers to the last post would be greatly appreciated! i am a poor, helpless, anxious individual, that will need handholding from some of you lovely people!!!
  5. keep going icefall, i`m at the "about to return allocation questionaire" stage, and am following this thread with great interest. do you truly feel you will end up in the court with barclays?
  6. thanks! found some relevant threads. i`ve got `til 26 june to send back allocation questionnaire. would barclays be notified when my form is returned? and what happens after the 26 june anyways? any harm in sending it now? and unlike others in the forum, i havent heard anything from barclays. should i make contact? see if they will settle now?
  7. just an update! no news yet, no offer either. question though!!?? why are there no threads on here, or people who have posted, who have actually won? has anyone gone to court and battled it out there with barclays?
  8. many thanks, but also, and sorry to sound thick, what is the best way to summarise the charges?
  9. okeydokes! thanks for the tip. i will keep these posts going as things progress!
  10. thanks barracad. barclays sent the last 6 years of statements in their entirety. so should i alert the judge to this fact, as it is a lot of paperwork. also, would he seem more sympathetic to my case as they left me to sift through all of it?
  11. at the "allocation questionnaire" stage and, like others, wondering if there is a difinitive answer to the "what should go in the any other information section, if anything indeed, should." anyone got any answers and i would be grateful! also!!!! extremely helpful and prompt response from bankfodder, i appreciate it, and WILL donate 5% of whatever i get! hope we will all do the same!
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