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  1. I am half way in retreving my bank charges back from Barclays bank I have written the initial letter requesting for them to pay back £1588.31 they wrote back offering as a good will gesture £700. I replied back saying that I will except this as a partial payment and will recover the rest of the money outstanding by the small claims court. In reply to this Barcalys are not increasing their offer and want me to take the £700 as a full and final settlement. I am really stuck and would appreciate any advise to recaim all these carges back:)
  2. excellent its great to hear that you won your money back!! I'm in the process of recovering £1600 back they have offered me £700 as a good will gesture. Jade69:)
  3. jade v barclays when i heard about claiming bank charges back, it was music to my ears and so I'm glad we can all stand upto all the high street banks and claim back what is rightfullly ours!!!!
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