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Posts posted by trudd

  1. We issued our claim on mcol against halifax on the 18th. At the moment (including interest) the full amount we want is £4,250.95 (plus the fee).


    Today we have an offer of £2,763.00. No mention of the claim just a thank you for my recent letter.

    So do I class this as "ignoring the claim" and don't respond just wait for the 14 days, or take it as partial payment as I would do had they done this before issuing the claim?

  2. Not sure if in the right place and I have searched but can't find my answer, so sorry if it's been answered already!


    Anyway I did the starting my claim stuff on mcol today and I stated in my particulars (as the template here suggest) I shall send another copy of charges.

    I would assume I'm sending this halifax again? Firstly do I add show my 8% interest calculations to date on this spreadsheet and do I include some kind of cover letter? If so what do you put in this letter?


    tia :)

  3. I had asked on the end of my thread but I think it gets missed there!

    Anyway my husband is on job seekers (hoepefully not for long) and don't have the fee. I thought we were exempt but mcol say we have to pay upfront and claim back later.

    If we go to a physical court would this be the same. Also what kind of court do I need to use? My local one says it does civil, in their list. Is this what I need?

    Sorry for all the questions.

    I also got a letter from halifax today. In addition to their response to my prelim (of give us 4 weeks to investigate) saying they'll take another 4 weeks.. Yeah right oh!

    They claim my lba sent recorded on the 22nd of december didn't arrive until the 3rd!

  4. Ooh I'd best get a move on then, thank you!


    Just a little question, not really worthy of it's own thread but is there a pattern to the responses?

    I've read through lots of claim stories and I can't see any consistency in the banks reaction. I'd of thought perhaps the more you claim the further they make you go.

    I've not had any reply to my LBA what so ever. I know they have it though!

  5. So I'm guessing when counting the days you eliminate christmas, boxing day, new years day and weekends?


    I sent my LBA recorded on the 22nd of December so it's not long before doing the whole court malarky! I can't imagine they'll pay up without be getting that far as the amount they owe me is alot £3740 over 4 years!

  6. Got all our statements (rather amusingly in separate envelopes..is this where the tenner goes?) today. I've totalled up £3712 over 4 years in charges.

    Letter and schedule in the post tomorrow. Still working on the wages!


    Just a couple of questions.. who do I address it too. I have had a good search of the forums and can't find a specific reference to the best address for the prelim request. I was thinking the HBOS trinity road HX1 2RG but is there a person/department best to address it too?


    Also when you win, where does the money go? Do they send a cheque or credit the account?

  7. Yep, the 23rd would be the 40th day.

    My husband isn't the only one with missing pay, the company has lost about £60k in wages! Left their bank (lloyds) but never reached the employees. Apparently there's no pattern to who it has happened to, all different banks on the receiving end involved.

    I think they should just pay out again and then sort out the problem of missing money with the bank, not leave staff hanging on without money.

  8. Thanks! Had a confirmation that we will get the information by the 22nd of december.

    On top of all of this we find out my husbands wages have been lost..his employer bacs them to my account Friday and they never arrived. Also one reason for all the fines was in october my husband was only paid half of what he should've been. Weird thing is on pay day when we checked the account the full amount was there, on our bank statement since the amount has changed. Really odd.

  9. Have to mention how helpful my isp fireflyuk have been. Thanks to bank charges galore we were completely pennyless for a few weeks and unable to pay our isp. Considering my husband is job hunting and we are taking action against the bank, net access is really important to us right now.

    I explained to them what happened and they were lovely and didn't disconnect us when any other isp would've. Paid them now though! :)

  10. No doubt about it that's harrassment. Report them


    Stopped at last, I used the word harrassment and that sorted it. They have deleted my number off the system (or so they say).

    However when I complained about the lax security (the only check being DOB) they wrote a snotty letter saying it was my own fault I was told by an automated computer voice my husband's cc account information and that I had committed fraud in pretending to be my husband! I incidentally have permission to discuss the account with them anyway, and I only chose the option of being my husband so I could get through to someone and tell them to stop calling me! They say they assume any person in my husband's home would be trusted with them calling with lax security checks. What if you have a lodger, or a wayward teenager and friends in the house? They've not thought it through.

    Bloody bank.


    As for cold calling, if we have the time we like to have fun. Asking for absurd freebies with mobile deals, pretending to live in a castle, or thinking of some unusual family set up (polygamy that kind of thing) to see how they react.

    We get lots of those free holiday calls, so we overplay our excitement, open the bubbly that kind of thing. Try and make them feel a teeny bit bad about it.

  11. You definately can't change GP's then? I had one that told me my partner (now husband) had to join his practice or we'd be struck off (when in fact the real reason was my refusal to vax my baby, he gets paid lots of money to get them all done you see). I complained to the health authority and they said I could change. I wrote a nice letter to my husband's gp and we are with him now.

    He is rather different though, at one point my GP worked for no money, as he refused the PCT's demands to sell patient information without their knowledge.

  12. Halifax. They seem to not communicate with each other at all. Literally on Monday my husband went into the branch for help, they said they had no idea what he was talking about (despite ringing ahead to ask for help with somekind of low repayment thing so our bills were still paid, we were to get more details from the personal banker) but that no more charges were pending, he was there 2 hours or so.

    Got home annoyed, rang them to complain about the personal banker not doing what the call centre people told us he would, to be told 6 more were coming, she could refund 4 of them.

    It's how we got in trouble in the first place.

    On 25/10 we were told by halifax we were £49 overdrawn, fair enough, pay day was the 27 th. No problem. Mortgage goes out on the 1st. First we hear of having no money at all was the mortgage not being paid. They slapped so many fines on we were hundreds over, then they froze it. Taking every penny we had for the month.

    We just don't know whether we are coming or going at the moment.

    Now been told our account is to be downgraded, got to hand back our cards. We abused our credit apparently. Oh yes i really wanted to abuse our credit by paying halifax shed loads of money didn't I?

  13. I want to do my preliminary approach letter but charges are sill being added on as we speak. Everytime I call them (or rather when they call me every blimming hour) it's a different story one minute no charges are pending, the next hour even and suddenly 6 more are coming out.

    Can I word my letter to include any that may occur in the time it takes to post my letter etc?

  14. I'm so cross, spent all week in tears. I can't beleive they can rob us of our money like this.

    August we go overdrawn a little bit, had no idea at the time as card (although we don't use it much) worked and bills paid.

    Sat here now £400 over the overdraft, having spent not one penny of my husbands wages this month. They took everything and now all they are interested in is us paying it all back, abusing credit apparently. Which we haven't, they abused us. We are only in trouble because of all the fines which they imposed on us, they are treating me like I deliberatley spent money I didn't owe. I had no idea the card carries on working when you have nothing. By the time letters came to tell us it was too late. They'd fined us too much to escape.

    I'm so cross, it wasn't like we'd gone out and bought a tv or a holiday. We'd just bought a couple quid too much petrol.

    So i'm writing my letter now. Just so angry I don't know what to do with myself.

  15. I get cross with halifax cc calling. Cos of the old fine snowball (which is why I'm here in the first place) they've not been paid this month. They ring about 4/5 times a day (often waking my baby) computer talks to me, i've started choosing the option saying I'm my husband so i could get to a person and ask them to stop calling, yes I know you want money but we've explained and called you previously if you look at your notes...blah blah

    However the security is so lax all I need to know is my husbands birthday and the computer tells me confidential info. Now anyone can know a birthdate. I choose the option to discuss with a real person, but the computer hangs up as there's nobody to take the call their end.

    Then I get it all over again an hour or so later.

  16. Do any of your health problems have a charity affiliated with it? They often have helplines and offer advice on all kinds of things including help with benefits.

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