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Posts posted by hulsevictoria

  1. Ok they have made me an offer of £112.50. Half of what they owe me.

    In this unsure climate does anyone have any advice on whather I should accept this offer?


    I have payed them off but they took over £700 in an exit fee. What are my chances of getting this back?

    Shall I bother? or just write it off?


    I'm not going to blame anyone for giving me bad advice. I just want another oppinion on wether to accept it?


    Zoot any advice?

  2. No feel free to get your woes off your chest regarding DVLA. Their beurocracy and data handling are causing problems for so many.

    I think this "super" computer they have regarding data on all vehicles tax circumstances is a bit off.

  3. Yeah I dont mind You hijacking me at the moment.

    I have been speaking to someone about a way to get this CCJ removed. It's a long slow process but I think I'm going to give it a try.

    Lot's of letters to Northampton Bulk Centre, but I'm used to this now.

  4. Go to court. Be sure to go there and defend yourself. Put your case foreward. If you can win your case, then you can look into getting expenses refunded. Ask them at the court what to do about getting expenses refunded.

    But if you lose make sure you pay the fine within a month or you'll get a CCJ and then you will be incapable of getting any decent credit for 6 years.

  5. I think there have been a lot of "glitches" with the DVLA's new automated system.

    They have this new super database of who has tax and who dosen't and I'm wondering if this database dosen't automatically issue penalty's as and when there is a small glitch. It's all computerized which leaves it open to loads of problems.

    It's just a thought.

  6. Like I said, much depends on what you put down on your last appeal, if you use the same arguments then you would be appealing the judges position. PE2/PE3 forms are late statutory declarattion one of which is an N244.


    No I will not be using the same argument. I can't even describe the argument I put foreward last week. I said I was living at a womans Refuge and that I could not get access to my mail to tax the car. The Judge threw this out. I am Liable for Tax. I'm not going to argue with that.


    This time I am using the argument that I never received the summons to go to court. The date of the court case was July 2006. I was living back at my home at this time, and I never did recive the documents. I would have atended straight away, had I known.


    I think I need to try my new argument with another N224 Form. I'll get an affedavid from the solicitors stating I never recived the summons and put that with it.

  7. No. Not yet. I am thinking about apealing. Or going back via the N244 Route but this time including an affedavid stating that I never received the summons or any paperwork regarding the original trial.

    I have been told that if I wish to appeal then I must go before the Circuit Judge. I have not yet paid the £100 as I have heard it maked a CCJ more difficult to set aside if you have paid it.

    What is a PE2 and PE3 form?

    Are these statutory declerations? And at which court do I get them?

  8. Look. I don't mind paying the fine. The only thing I am concerned about is the CCJ. I would happily pay £1000 just to get the CCJ removed, the fine is only £100. I have just been told I need to appeal to the Circuit Judge at a higher court. I don't know whether to send in another N244 form and have another go at the County Court Process or to go via this Circuit Judge route. Any Sudgestions. Please bear in mind, I don't mind paying the fine, my primary goal is to get the CCJ set aside.

  9. A good point but I think Pat is right to go with point b. as an argument. Yeah I needed the document's but I couldn't get hold of them. Point is I diddn't have internet access either, but the courts don't seem to acknowlage this.

    I think it's worth a mention that even if declaring a SORN, or taxing a vehicle online, you still need the vehicle documentation.


    I'm going to phone the court today to ask for a new 2224 form, and get started again.

    I'm also going to see a solicitor.

  10. Well I have been to court. But I was never aware of the original hearing. I'm not sure what I was doing in court. I think they were trying to determine a reason to re-open the case. But they say I failed to give an adequate reason for a re-trial.

    I'm confused by what my hearing on Thursday was about?

  11. Yeah, Im thinking that this is the way foreward. Whan I did eventually get hold of my mail, I went through it and there was no court summons. This is my argument. I agree it is my responsibility to tax or SORN the vehicle, but I was not aware that it had gotten to the stage of going to court. It's the responsibility of the Court to inform me that I have to go to court. I'm going to go with this.

    Can anyone tell me if they have been sucsesfull with this?

    And am I allowed to re-apply to have the judement set aside? I have failed once.

    I'm happy to pay the £100. I'm not trying to get out of paying. I just want the opertunity to have a fair hearing and to be informed of any proceedings against myself.

  12. Quite a few mortgage co's will disregard a paid CCJ of less than £250, when you are ready to apply for mortgage just let them know the circumstances.

    However, not being in receipt of the docs should have been enough to set it aside, what grounds did yo uask for it to be set aside on?


    Well that's just it. I have done some reasearch in the last two days, and eventhough I have laied out my circumstances to the court, I dont think I explained to them that:

    a) I could not get access to the vehicle documents in order to SORN or Tax the vehicle.

    b) I never recived the court summons.


    I think I should fill out the N244 form again and state this a bit more clearly. I'm also thinking about going to a soilicitors and getting a solicitor to whitness a signed affidavid by myself, stating that I never received the summons. I would have liked the oppertunity to go to court, and had I gone to court, I could have paid immediatley.

  13. OK

    ANy advice would be welcome.

    Back in 2006 I had to move out of my house into a womans refuge. I could not get access to my mail and to be honest, my car was the least of my problems.

    The car was left at my old house. It had no tax but it was off the road.

    I never recived a letter telling me the tax was up. I could not get access to my mail and was having a lot of problems with any correspondance that went to my old house.


    I could not register the car to the address of the Womans Refuge since it was a PO Box address and I had no one to ask if I could use a care of address.

    I left the car at the house because I had no money to put petrol in let alone maintain it.


    In the last two years I have gotten a good job and have moved back into my old house and I still have the car (which is now taxed and legal).

    In November 2006 I got my credit rating because I was looking to buy a house (instead of renting). I have saved up a fair old deposit and thought I had better check my credit rating.


    I found a CCJ (to my horror). I had tried to make sure that even in the worst times I kept up to date with my payments of all my bills.


    The CCJ was issued by the DVLA Bulk centre in Nottingham. I phoned the bulk centre and they said it was for £100 and for having no tax.

    I set about filling in the forms to get the CCJ set asside.


    Today I want to court to hear that there was nothing the judge could do to set it aside. Apparently I have not put a good enough case foreward. She said that she sympathised, but there was nothing she could do. The case was dealt with on the internet apparently, and becasuse it was my responsibility to tax the car it was just tough luck.


    Is there anything I can do?

    I have not paid it yet, since I have heard that paying it can make it worse


    Can I ask for the case to be reopened so I can agree to settle out of court?

    I don't know what to do. I would have paid straight away had I known about it. I diddn't get the chance and now the next six years of my life are going to be financially difficult since I am trying to get a mortgage.




    I have spent today in tears.

  14. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But getting a CCJ satistfied is no good. It will still show up on your credit report and lenders will see that you have a CCJ.

    You will still have problems getting credit.

    I'm having a huge problem with a CCJ. It's only for £100. Paying it is not the problem, but it will still show up on my credit report. I'm trying to get the Judgement set aside.

  15. OK Back to business.

    1. If they hiked up the interest rate because they belived I was renting out the property, but I can prove I was rennovting said peoperty, can I claim back the extra interest they were charging me?


    2. Can I claim this back in the same case as the charges for unpaid direct debits? Or do I have to lodge a seperate claim against them, one for the charges, and one for the interest?


    I have already sucsessfully proved to my local Council that I was rennovating the property. They agreed to not charge me Council Tax for the period in question because I provided builders receipts and so forth.

    Will this hold any weight in my case against kensington?

    I'm not going to bother with the ERC for now.

  16. If they operate Direct debits they have to adhere to the indemnity. Well done on your refund.


    Yes, so the bank said. What does this mean exactly?

    Does this mean Biomorphic have to prove I gave them permision to withdraw money from my account? I never had a contract with them, and I never agreed on paper to sign up to membership. I never even had a membership agreement with Biomorphic.


    They just used my card details to fill in a direct debit mandate. And the signiture on it is NOT mine!! I can prove this with my bank card.

    I don't know what is going on here. I think it might be a fraudulent Direct Debit Mandate.

  17. Wooo HOOO!!!

    The gym in King's Lyn has paied up, almost in full!!!

    That's £550 in my bin!! less £50 for administration cost's so they say.

    Just to clarify I have this direct debit issue with two gym's. One was in King's Lynn and the other was in Swansea, it was called Biomorphic but they operate under the name "Orange Fields".


    I'm still having a few problems with Biomorphic, but my bank have been surprisingly helpful. They have told me how to get them to pay up even though they don't do direct debit indemnities.

    Anyway, I'll let you know how I get on.


    My first win!!

  18. This is not a mortgage company, I had a loan for £4000 and I have calculated they owe me £232.50 in charges. Sorry I know it comes under other institutions, but I don't know where.


    However I am sending off the preliminary approach for patment letter and I don't know what the "I enclose a schedule of the charges which I am claiming with this letter" paragraph relates to?

    Can someone clarify what I need to include here?

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