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Everything posted by sunnyside

  1. I sent off my LBA on Wednesday (via email) and received an acknowledgement back on Thursday with the usual standard response. Will update when I hear something. Sunnyside
  2. Thanks Gary, I'll finish off the letter tomorrow
  3. Hello I am just preparing my LBA and the first sentence of the letter template is: "I am very disappointed that you have failed to respond to my letter of the [XXDATEXX]" Now they did reply to my letter but with no offer so do I need to keep that sentence in? Or should I amend it to say "respond satisfactorily"? Thanks in advance Sunnyside
  4. Thank you for that good advice Freebird I'll sort it out over the weekend.
  5. I received a response from Lloyds on Monday - to sum up a page and a bit of standard letter the answer is basically "no"!! There is no offer from them at all and it does say the letter is their final response but I assuming this is all standard stuff?? LBA here we come .......
  6. Hi Barty Thanks for your response. I initially emailed the Prelim Letter on 25th October so they have replied to me within the 14 days but obviously with no offer. Do you think they are using delay tactics? Sunnyside
  7. Hello I received a letter from Lloyds a few days ago saying they will be investigating my complaint and getting back to me in within 2 weeks. Keep you posted!
  8. You don't sound pessamistic! Any advice/information you share is gratefully received!
  9. Well I have received an acknowledment email back from lloyds which is good news and they will be getting in touch with me again soon ..........
  10. Thanks Freebird - it is so helpful to know how we are all going about doing it. Good luck to you too
  11. Well I sent my prelim letter off yesterday evening by email - I thought I would get an automated acknowledge back but nothing so far. I wonder if they will respond to me by email or written letter ....... watch this space!
  12. Thanks Midge61 that's great - I shall do it right away!
  13. Just about to email my prelim letter using the address from the bank contact details section and it says to use this email address for queries regarding technical difficulties on internet banking and questions about D/D and S/O. Does anyone have a more appropriate email address for lloyds? Otherwise I will post it to the Birmingham address. Thanks
  14. I'm filling in the prelim letter and there is a section in red about defaults on your credit record. I cannot find anything about this in the step-by-step guide but am I supposed to delete this bit as I don't think I have any on my record? Thanks Sunny
  15. I have gone back as far as 2002 as I have online statements. I haven't yet decided whether to request the statements for the remaining 18months which will make it up to 6 years as I think the charges in that period will be negligable, if any at all. Yes I know I should probably check but I just want to get on with the claim now!
  16. Hi I've worked out the amount owed to me and I would like to email the preliminary approach letter. Do you recommend I use the one listed on this site "complaints dept email address? Thanks
  17. Thank you have read the FAQ's and step-by-step so will go to the Lloyds forum now!
  18. Hello I have just joined in the hope of reclaiming my bank charges back from lloydstsb. I have worked out what they owe me but where do I go from here ....? Thanks Sunnyside
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