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Everything posted by schilly

  1. Thanks for the responses. I'll adapt the letter accordingly and get it straight off. Will keep you posted!!!!
  2. Hi All Am assisting my son-in-law to claim £1094. Have sent initial letter and was ready to send Letter Before Action today. However he has just received, what appears to be, the usual Colin Langdale letter that I have read about in other threads. His letter stats that a full response will be given once his investigations have been completed but in this case does not give a date as to 'when by'. I assume we just stick to the time table but do we just adapt the Letter Before Action to accommodate this? Has anyone done this? Thanks!
  3. I have a complaint against Bank of Scotland with the Financial Ombudsman now. After over two months all I have received is two letters to say that they are too busy and have not been able to allocate it to an investigator. I am now really frustrated as it not only involves unfair bank charges but BoS mistakenly took money from the wrong account - they have admitted and apologised for this - and then charged us for the 'privilege' to the tune of nearly £600 but refuse to repay it back. Potential fraud on a grand scale in my opinion. BoS seemed happy for me to go to FO....now I know why! I am frankly staggered that they can employ delaying tactics and the FO probably will do nothing in the end other than ask them to repay only what was taken whilst BoS hang onto it for months. For every one of me there will be ten that will swallow it and the bank is then profiting from it's own mistakes. Criminal! Count me in to any pressure group - I am really disappointed at the lack of response in what I consider a matter that the FO should be taking very seriously. Good Luck! schilly Just an after thought - I contacted OFT and they only directed me back to the FO. I cannot find another official body to complain to otherwise I would.
  4. I already had all my bank statements so didn't need this...........sometimes this junk comes in handy. My request for a refund just went to FD Customer Relations at the 40 Wakefield Rd, Leeds address. It was dealt with quickly so it must have been right.
  5. Many thanks MrFitz Have read your thread........bet you are pleased. Congratulations! Did you at the end sign the standard acceptance or did you qualify it? I know I can stick out for the full amount but have bigger fish to fry with the Bank of Scotland who placed charges on our account due to their OWN mistakes and won't pay it back. First Direct did at least provide a positive response in 3 days. Cheers schilly
  6. Hi All I am new to the forum but was inspired to make a claim to First Direct for charges on my current account amounting to £840. To my amazement they replied within 3 days of the first letter offering me £692. I realise I could go back for the full amount but in this case I am inclined to accept. My question is: Does signing the very basic 'full and final settlement' letter have any other implications for future charges?......or if they do apply charges in the future do I have an argument straight away to have them refunded? Hopefully this would not happen but just in case........ Secondly, from others experience, are they likely to terminate my current overdraft facility and request full payment of my credit card which is with the same bank? Very grateful for all the advice given here! schilly
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