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  1. So, if all of the other processes have been done and it goes to court. how does it lie in court then? what are the odds of them turning up and what sort of evidence/defence do you need colate to have a good case of clearing the unenforceable loan
  2. I have read alot of this thread and am a bit confused. If a company cannot supply the Original loan agreement and exceeds the time periods specified. If the loan completly written off straight away by law or what happens after you have stopped making the payments? will you hae to go to court to clear the loan?
  3. Is it still possible that if they cant supply the true copy of the loan agreement that the loan is unenforceable?
  4. If i have a current account with HSBC and a loan, i went into the bank recently to apply for a consolidation loan to also repay the current one. Could i now ask for a true copy of the original loan agreement. If they cannot produce this would i be able to go down the same avenue as this thread, would complications arise with regard to it being shared with my current account? or because i have recently applied for another loan?
  5. If i have a current account with HSBC and a loan, i went into the bank recently to apply for a consolidation loan to also repay the current one. Could i now ask for a true copy of the original loan agreement. If they cannot produce this would i be able to go down the same avenue as this thread, would complications arise with regard to it being shared with my current account? or because i have recently applied for another loan?
  6. Ill do my best. will get the letter sent off tomorrow for that.
  7. Will do, will just keep the HSBC part of it updated on this thread. Am i best hanging fire with the Consumer letter for the loan, or just start straight away with it aswell as everything else?
  8. I have today (26/10/06) sent off 5 SARS to the following: HSBC - Current Account Royal Bank of Scotland (MINT) - Credit Card MBNA - Credit Card Barclays - Credit Card Abbey - Credit Card I am also going to be sending out a letter asking for a copy of a loan agreement with HSBC. The letters have been sent out Recorded delivery, so will update when they have been delivered. Also i am thinking of doing the same for my wifes loan with HSBC.
  9. I have a current account with HSBC and a Loan with them. Can anyone see any complications arising if i start claim unfair bank charges back and also sending off for a copy of the loan agreement at the same time. These both share the same account number. I have tried to find this on the availabnle threads but havent seen anything.
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